Friday, August 05, 2005

NYT Deplorable -- Liberals Desperate

The New York Times look into the adoptions made my Judge John Roberts and his wife. Now besides being deplorable it goes to show how BIAS the New York Times is and should remove any doubt. This steps also shows how desperate liberals are using one of their henchmen (New York Times) to dig up dirt, who cares if this harms children, you know the children liberals claim to care so much about... In less then a week we see Air America and New York Times take "caring for children" to a new LOW.
The New York Times has been asking lawyers who specialize in adoption cases for advice on how to get into the sealed court records on Supreme Court nominee John Roberts' two adopted children.
There is no indication The Times had any evidence there was anything improper in the family's adoption of five-year-old Josie and four-year-old Jack, both born in Latin America. Sources familiar with the matter told FOX News that at least one lawyer turned the Times down flat, saying that any effort to pry into adoption case records, which are always sealed, would be reprehensible.
More from Drudge Report

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