Monday, June 28, 2004

Yahoo! News - U.S. Transfers Sovereignty to Iraqi Govt.

Yahoo! News - U.S. Transfers Sovereignty to Iraqi Govt.

I believe this is good news and much needed to news to force NATO to send troops to assist. NATO is somewhat obligated to support Iraq when the request comes from a sovereign state.

However, I am sure there will be criticism from the left about the surprise timing; but, they would criticism Bush for waiting till the last minute or if they missed the 30 June date. I am listening to CNN (Lib Left) and they are talking about the moral of the solders and that the majority of solders feel that they are their for the right reason (the liberal media hates to hear this as does Michael Moore - I do hope he Moore help identify those few treasonous military members to there fellow brothers in arms, but he did give them their fifteen minutes of fame even if they did have to sell their soul).

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