Monday, August 30, 2004

Peace Loving Protesters are Everything but Peaceful

Joel Mowbray gives a good account of the “Oxy-Moronic” protesters for peace in his Frontpagemag.comOxy-Moronic March”. During the peace lovers march for peace one of the members of United for Peace and Justice allegedly set fire to a float injuring two people; got to question their idea of peace. Here is an excerpt from Joel Mowbray’s article:

Befitting the whole event, the most prominent posters around the conflagration at 34th St. and 7th Ave. were for the group United for Peace and Justice. The alleged arsonist doubtlessly was a supporter of UPJ—the entire 100,000+ demonstrators most likely were—yet this (alleged) pyromaniac must have a different definition of “peace and justice” than the rest of us.

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