Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Can We Win The "War on Terror"?

During and interview with NBC yesterday President Bush attempted to explain the difficulty winning the War on Terror.
Can we win? I don't think you can win it. But I think you can create conditions so that those who use terror as a tool are -- less acceptable in parts of the world.

The liberals, of course, have jumped all on this: “THE PREISIDENT IS ADMITING WE CANNOT WIN IN IRAQ”. Give me a break! The liberals want to say Iraq has/had nothing to do with the War on Terror; when the President makes a statement about the War On Terror automatically the liberals change their position and equate the War on Terror to Iraq! Amazing how they can switch mid-stride.

President Bush; was attempting to explain that the War on Terror will be an on going process – there is no country to defeat and no one that can sign a surrender. The War in Iraq is a stage in the War on Terror just as Afghanistan was; however, even after Freedom has been fully established in both Afghanistan and Iraq there will be people you are willing to die attempting to attack our (That’s all Americans for you Liberals) way of life.

Today the President attempted to clarify is position in a speech to the American Legion in Nashville, TN.
We meet today in a time of war for our country, a war we did not start yet one that we will win. ... In this different kind of war, we may never sit down at a peace table. But make no mistake about it, we are winning and we will win.

I have no doubt that liberals will attempt to portray this as “Flip-Flopping” although the Kerry campaign should be experts on the subject of “Flip-Flopping” they will be getting this wrong. Hey liberals the War on Iraq (Operation Iraq Freedom) is a battle in the OVERALL War on Terror and only way we will win the War on Terror is to stay diligent in defending ourselves which John Kerry sadly lacks the leadership to accomplish.

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