Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Election Night

I planned to be up all night expecting a decisive winner. Stupid me took both candidates somewhat at their word that both agreed the country was truly divided and needs to be united, which I eluded to in my earlier post…However, the Kerry campaign refused to concede Ohio currently 138,000 votes behind (98% reported). This indicates that the democrats are determined to keep driving a wedge in the middle forcing Americans to decided right or left; they have learned nothing from this.

Moral values ranked higher, for voters polled, then either economy or the Iraqi war….are you hearing America?

The democrat talking heads are depending on the number of provision ballots….let us look at the numbers! We will need to make some assumption here; for example, the votes go 50/50 Kerry/Bush and further assume that every provisional vote will be legitimate; under current conditions, there would need to be 278,000 votes to count. Come on!

America set a negative standard with Florida 2000, but let us say we all agree with fighting the Florida 2000 election. Rounding the number in question we will call it 600 indicating the Ohio count difference is 229 times higher….come on when is it enough.

Does anyone here believe that dragging this vote out is good for the country? If you say yes, search your heart and tell me that you simply are disgruntled (being polite) that your position came out on the short side.

Mr. Kerry I ask you to wake up this morning look at the numbers and realize that disputing this result is not the best for America a country you declare you love!

The current numbers are Ohio (144,000 w/ 99%) and the popular vote is roughly 51,000,000 (Bush) to 48,000,000 (Kerry). Bush is leading in New Mexico, Nevada, and Iowa with 99% reported in all three states. Please Mr. Kerry prove me wrong about you and the democratic party; prove you actually care about this country and not your own lust for the White House.

Congratulations President BUSH – good night and God bless!

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