Friday, November 19, 2004

Good News Please!

The amazing, perhaps historic, battle of Fallujah has come and gone, and the biggest soldier story to come out of it is the alleged Marine shooting. There must have been hundreds of acts of bravery and valor in Fallujah. Where will history record their stories? – Daniel Henninger “We Won’t Have a Draft”
Why is it that the MSM only discusses the negative stories? Why would they not promote the positive actions of our brave men and women? Is their hatred of George Bush so great that they must attempt once again to turn a generation against it’s country.

Don’t get me wrong if the Marine killed a non combatant, did not obey his ROE (“Rules of Engagement”) he should be prosecuted; but report it, leave it alone and let the military deal with it. However, the media believes this a bigger story then the actions of a multitude of courageous young men and women! The media seems to enjoy reporting on negative world opinion appearing to foster it by focusing on negatives and not even looking at positives.

Could it be the American People’s fault? Are we uninterested in “feel good” stories, stories of honor and valor? I only know I would like the see a “Little Good News”, to coin a song from the ‘80(s), about our Military men and women. However, to see the “good news” I must search, dig, and seek it out. I personally have faith that the American People want “good news” and put the growing negative world opinion squarely on the MSM.

The main story out of Fallujah is an alleged atrocity, one mind you out of countless acts of courage and valor. The NY Times, arguably the most read US circulation, drowned the public with front-page stories about the Prison scandal. It could be said the media is acting treasonous and attempting to destroy the country from within – come on how about a “Little Good News” today.

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