WASHINGTON (AP) -- Former national security adviser Sandy Berger will plead guilty to taking classified material from the National Archives, a misdemeanor, the Justice Department said Thursday.Now for the major question -- WHY or WHAT was he wanting to hide? Of course, since it does not involve a gotcha for the Bush administration I am sure the question will not be asked by the MSM -- Democrats are constantly allowed "honest mistakes" which was Sandy's
Berger is expected to appear in federal court in Washington on Friday, said Justice spokesman Bryan Sierra.
The charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material is a misdemeanor that carries a maximum sentence of a year in prison and up to a $100,000 fine.
The former Clinton administration official previously acknowledged he removed from the National Archives copies of documents about the government's anti-terror efforts and notes that he took on those documents.
Simple blog to log thoughts on current events and activity. Please feel free to give your comments.
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Flashback - Sandy Berger
Remember when Sandy was seen sneaking classified papers out during the 9/11 commission, when all was denied or trivialized, when the NY Post again investigated it in January (mentioned here). Well Sandy plead guilty today.reason excuse.
Will a "NO Apology" Heal Wounds
Top News Article | Reuters.com
I don't think this no apology will heal the wounds created by "Hanoi Jane" -- but maybe we need to wait and see the full interview. The real question is does she [Jane Fonda] really care what the Vietnam Veterans think of her or even more what the former POW(s) think.
I don't think this no apology will heal the wounds created by "Hanoi Jane" -- but maybe we need to wait and see the full interview. The real question is does she [Jane Fonda] really care what the Vietnam Veterans think of her or even more what the former POW(s) think.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Jane Fonda regrets her visit to a North Vietnamese gun site in 1972, the actress and fitness guru said in an interview with CBS television show '60 Minutes' to be aired on Sunday.
The actress defended her trip to Vietnam in 1972, which won her the nickname 'Hanoi Jane.' But she said her visit to a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun site used to shoot down U.S. pilots was a 'betrayal' of the U.S. military.
'The image of Jane Fonda, Barbarella, Henry Fonda's daughter ... sitting on an enemy aircraft gun was a betrayal,' she said, calling the act, 'The largest lapse of judgment that I can even imagine.'
But she said she did not regret visiting Hanoi, or being photographed with American prisoners of war there.
'There are hundreds of American delegations that had met with the POWs,' she said. 'Both sides were using the POWs for propaganda. ... It's not something that I will apologize for.
N. Korea Wishful Thinking
USATODAY.com - N. Korea demands equal treatment in talks
North Korea now considers themselves a "nuclear power" -- just because you develop nuclear weapons does not make you a "power"... That is kind of like "Firefox" demanding it is equal with Microsoft -- saying it don't make it so! Like a neighborhood bully or an international terrorist their only "power" is the threat of violence and this does not make a "nuclear power". My opinion is that North Korea has simply grown to a "nuclear terrorist" and the United States does not negotiate with terrorist...
North Korea now considers themselves a "nuclear power" -- just because you develop nuclear weapons does not make you a "power"... That is kind of like "Firefox" demanding it is equal with Microsoft -- saying it don't make it so! Like a neighborhood bully or an international terrorist their only "power" is the threat of violence and this does not make a "nuclear power". My opinion is that North Korea has simply grown to a "nuclear terrorist" and the United States does not negotiate with terrorist...
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - North Korea said Thursday the United States should dismantle all potential nuclear threats in the region before it would discuss giving up its own nuclear program and demanded to be treated equally in disarmament talks.
'Now that we have become a nuclear power, the six-party talks should be disarmament talks where participants can solve the issue on an equal basis,' a North Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman said in a statement carried by the North's official Korean Central News Agency.
It Ain't Over
CNN.com - Terri Schiavo dies amid legal, ethical battle - Mar 31, 2005
Those that think this story stops here will be surprised -- I think it might be just beginning. My heart goes out to her family, all of them.
Those that think this story stops here will be surprised -- I think it might be just beginning. My heart goes out to her family, all of them.
PINELLAS PARK, Florida (CNN) -- Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged woman at the center of a family battle fought on a national stage, died Thursday morning, nearly two weeks after doctors removed her life-sustaining feeding tube.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
N. Korea and Iran Fight
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | N Korea football violence erupts
Well this is interesting -- maybe we can just let North Korea and Iran play soccer repeatedly -- since one has to loose, eventually they might wipe each other out.
Well this is interesting -- maybe we can just let North Korea and Iran play soccer repeatedly -- since one has to loose, eventually they might wipe each other out.
North Korean soldiers and riot police had to step in after violence erupted when the home side lost a World Cup qualifying match to Iran, say reports.
Bottles, stones and chairs were thrown on to the pitch in Pyongyang after a North Korean player was sent off.
Violence then spilled over outside the stadium and thousands of angry fans reportedly prevented Iranian players from boarding the team bus.
Well Whoopee Do
Telegraph | News | Iraq interrogation techniques exposed in memo
As a military member we participated in training that exposed us to pretty much, everything outlined in this memo -- so what is the big deal. We train our military so they might know what to expect if captured, although we could not take it past these levels to prepare them/us for the extreme levels captured US Military will really experience -- far above what is outlined in this memo... I really believe we need grow up and realize this is war and measures are needed and will be taken that are not taken within the confines of our lawful and peaceful borders -- yet another reason why taking the battle to them is a good thing...
As a military member we participated in training that exposed us to pretty much, everything outlined in this memo -- so what is the big deal. We train our military so they might know what to expect if captured, although we could not take it past these levels to prepare them/us for the extreme levels captured US Military will really experience -- far above what is outlined in this memo... I really believe we need grow up and realize this is war and measures are needed and will be taken that are not taken within the confines of our lawful and peaceful borders -- yet another reason why taking the battle to them is a good thing...
Interrogators were sanctioned by their bosses to use dogs, stress positions and isolation in Iraqi prisons, a Government memo reveals.Now when you think torture -- what comes to mind? Do you think muzzled dogs, kneeling in uncomfortable positions, being cold or hot -- I did not think so -- if you are honest when you think of torture you think of beatings, broken bones, cuts, hot water, electricity, etc. etc. etc; come on guys. For the most part these guys are attempting to be has humane as possible and still retrieve information that will save lives and help end the conflict. Sure some "over step" these guidelines and as of this posting I am aware of more than a half a dozen convictions, on going trials, and investigations involving these "over steps".
General Ricardo Sanchez, then senior commander of US forces in Iraq, approved 29 interrogation techniques when he signed the document in Sept 2003.
The memo allowed for the presence of muzzled military dogs during interrogations to "exploit Arab fear of dogs".
It permitted "environmental manipulation", allowing interrogators to isolate prisoners, disrupt their sleep patterns, make their rooms hot or cold or expose them to unpleasant smells.
Give Me a Break
Reuters.com - U.S. Child Obesity Dragging Down Overall Gains
This is simply amazing -- healthcare cost are increasing because we are living longer and the elderly are having to be cared for -- wait hold that news... Our young are at a greater health risk because of obesity! Well which is it -- we will be living longer causing healthcare cost to go up, or are we going to be dieing young and in turn reversing the raising healthcare cost? Yes, I am being facetious -- but sometimes I really get tired of reports like this and the monies (federal grants etc.) spent on these studies that IMO prove nothing -- I don't need a doctor to tell me that senior adults are living longer nor do I need a doctor to know that our current "fast-food" mentality is raising weight... My opinion on this particular subject is easy to understand -- it is the parents responsibly to raise and feed their children, of course, they might not be able to say no to much because another study would prove them bad parents with their negativism. Ever wondered how these expert's children, if they have any, actually turned out?
This is simply amazing -- healthcare cost are increasing because we are living longer and the elderly are having to be cared for -- wait hold that news... Our young are at a greater health risk because of obesity! Well which is it -- we will be living longer causing healthcare cost to go up, or are we going to be dieing young and in turn reversing the raising healthcare cost? Yes, I am being facetious -- but sometimes I really get tired of reports like this and the monies (federal grants etc.) spent on these studies that IMO prove nothing -- I don't need a doctor to tell me that senior adults are living longer nor do I need a doctor to know that our current "fast-food" mentality is raising weight... My opinion on this particular subject is easy to understand -- it is the parents responsibly to raise and feed their children, of course, they might not be able to say no to much because another study would prove them bad parents with their negativism. Ever wondered how these expert's children, if they have any, actually turned out?
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Child obesity has more than tripled in three decades and the increased health risk associated with being fat has wiped out progress in other areas, according to a report issued on Wednesday.
The annual report on U.S. child welfare from Duke University and the Foundation for Child Development also found that the poverty rate for families with children hit 17.2 percent in 2003, the worst it has been since 1998.
5 Year Old - the Fourth Victim
5 year old calls 911
I just heard a copy of this tape and it is heart breaking -- but, this five year old's heartbreaking call after finding his parents died may not be the worst part of the story.
Third victim in murder, suicide dies
Three people died in this tragedy -- but there were four victims -- let us not forget the child!
I just heard a copy of this tape and it is heart breaking -- but, this five year old's heartbreaking call after finding his parents died may not be the worst part of the story.
NEW SMYRNA BEACH -- 'I think they're dead.'The shooter/killer went on to kill himself in his house -- it was discovered that he felt the child's parents had turned him into the police, but per police they had not... Further, the parents had attempted to get a restraining order but a judge ruled against it.
With those words, 5-year-old Tia Hernlen described finding the bleeding bodies of her mother and father to a Sheriff's Office dispatcher early Monday morning.
Thirty-one year old Julie Hernlen was dead in the bedroom of the family's Ellison Avenue home. Her 29-year-old husband, Aeneas, was critically wounded. Both had been shot multiple times.
Volusia County sheriff's investigators believe the couple were the victims of David Edward Johnson, 33, whom they had accused of stalking them because he believed they had turned him in for drug activity.
Third victim in murder, suicide dies
Deputies said Johnson shot the Hernlens because Johnson believed the couple had turned him into law enforcement when he was arrested and charged with growing pot and possession of steroids in November. Sheriff's investigators have said the Hernlens had nothing to do with Johnson's arrest. The couple tried to get an injunction against Johnson, 33, in January. The Hernlens claimed Johnson stalked them by driving in front of their residence and making threats.I confused by this whole restraining order deal! I mean there was not enough evidence. If I am willing to take the time and incur the expense of getting a restraining order because I do not want someone around me and the plaintiff fights it -- is that not proof enough that there might be an issue. Theoretically I don't like the plaintiff, don't want him around, yet the plaintiff still wants to be able to get close to me -- that would be enough for me. Please any lawyers out there explain why it might be so difficult to get a restraining order... Don't get me wrong I am not imply that the restraining order would have saved their lives -- could it have, maybe but doubtful -- I am just pointing out the lengths the courts go to protect the obviously ill intentioned [IMO] to be politically correct.
Looking back on it, Circuit Judge Richard Graham said he is "remorseful and upset" he did not approve Julie Herlen's request for an injunction against the man accused in the shootings.
However, the family law judge questions if it would have done any good.
Graham, the judge assigned the case, denied the request, saying "no violence was alleged and it was hard to prove stalking with the allegations" presented, according to court papers.
The next day, the Volusia County Sheriff's Office filed an aggravated stalking complaint against Johnson based on the same allegations. Johnson was awaiting trial on those charges when the shooting occurred.
"Looking back on it I would have liked to have done it differently," Graham said by telephone Tuesday. "But you review each case on a case-by-case basis."
He said while there was a possible threat of violence, at the time he did not believe the probability was there that Johnson would carry it out.
"But that is in hindsight," Graham said.
Three people died in this tragedy -- but there were four victims -- let us not forget the child!
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
"God Bless This Honorable Court" - Update
Back in February I posted about a Denver lower court throwing out the death penalty given to Robert Harlan because members of the jury discussed the Bible (see my remarks here). Well we have an update -- after Adams County prosecutor Steven Bernard asked the court to reinstate the sentence the Colorado Supreme Court just voted 3-2 not to reinstate the death penalty sentencing Mr. Harlan to life without parole instead... Besides making Mr. Harlan a taxpayer burden for the rest of his life this case scares me -- no bibles in court! I guess the court actually does believe it "the highest authority"; however, I know God is the highest authority and find it disheartening that a court that ask God to bless the "honorable" court would prove it's own dishonor by then casting God out!
DENVER, Colorado (AP) -- Ruling that juries cannot turn to the Bible for advice during deliberations, a divided Colorado Supreme Court threw out the death penalty for a convicted murderer because jurors discussed Bible verses.
In a 3-2 vote on Monday, justices ordered Robert Harlan to serve life without parole for kidnapping Rhonda Maloney and raping her at gunpoint for two hours before fatally shooting her.
First Hint of Withdrawal Timetable??
USATODAY.com - Iraqi official says security improving
Well could this be the first hint of a timeframe for troop withdrawal? I don't know and am not on the "need a timeframe bandwagon" -- however, even those that are on this "timeframe needed kick" should pay very close attention to statements out of Iraq. After all it has always been President Bush's contention that we would withdrawal when - and only when - Iraq could handle and be comfortable with their own security.
Well could this be the first hint of a timeframe for troop withdrawal? I don't know and am not on the "need a timeframe bandwagon" -- however, even those that are on this "timeframe needed kick" should pay very close attention to statements out of Iraq. After all it has always been President Bush's contention that we would withdrawal when - and only when - Iraq could handle and be comfortable with their own security.
BAGHDAD - Interim Interior Minister Falah al-Naqib said Monday that security forces were gaining the upper hand over insurgents and that Iraqi forces would secure the country by the end of next year.
'The situation is much better than it was five or six months ago,' al-Naqib said at a news conference at Baghdad's convention center. He predicted that U.S. troops would be able to begin pulling out of parts of the country and that 'hopefully, within 18 months at the most we will be capable of securing Iraq.
Al-Naqib added: 'We hope that next summer, there will be a huge reduction in the numbers of multinational patrols. In some cities, there will be no foreign troops.
Monday, March 28, 2005
Big City Reporter has Problem with Bloggers
The below are excerpts are comments by "big city" reporter Ken Fuson writing for the massively distributed Des Monies Register. I am not sure his motivation but it appears he either has issues with or envies bloggers. Mr. Fuson demonstrates a jealous streak, but what could he be jealous of; some bloggers being asked to MSM news broadcast when he has not had his opportunity. Maybe Mr. Fuson is smarter then I give him credit for and is just attempting to gain notoriety by insulting bloggers, yes I bet that is it! Well Mr. Fuson you got your wish, I know several bloggers that have already written commentary on your ridiculous "attack piece". BTW: I suppose Mr. Fuson considers this a rant...
UPDATE: An Iowa Libertarian's opinion here.
The below are excerpts are comments by "big city" reporter Ken Fuson writing for the massively distributed Des Monies Register. I am not sure his motivation but it appears he either has issues with or envies bloggers. Mr. Fuson demonstrates a jealous streak, but what could he be jealous of; some bloggers being asked to MSM news broadcast when he has not had his opportunity. Maybe Mr. Fuson is smarter then I give him credit for and is just attempting to gain notoriety by insulting bloggers, yes I bet that is it! Well Mr. Fuson you got your wish, I know several bloggers that have already written commentary on your ridiculous "attack piece". BTW: I suppose Mr. Fuson considers this a rant...
Perhaps you have not heard of blogs. The name derives from a combination of "blather" and "logorrhea."Mr. Fuson left out the fact that bloggers also link to the story -- wonder how many MORE hits DesMoinesRegister.com gets today and tomorrow! (Hat tip: La Shawn Barber)
This has proved to be a boon to people who apparently are (A) unemployed, (B) independently wealthy, or (C) no longer content to wait on hold to get their daily fix of attention from a radio talk-show host.
Let's put it another way: You know those people who like to write letters to the editor? A blog allows them to write letters all day long, on any subject they choose, without worrying about having the profanity removed or having any of their lunatic rants checked for accuracy.
But the great thing is, if you're a blogger, you get your rants linked to by other bloggers who agree with you, or other bloggers who disagree with you. Before you know it, you've taken more "hits" than Cheech and Chong, and you will achieve your dream goal: Being invited to appear on a Mainstream Media news show to explain why the Mainstream Media no longer matter.
UPDATE: An Iowa Libertarian's opinion here.
In Other News -- Getting Out
Top News Article Reuters.comSlow, but progressing... I really do not see how anyone can see this other than a major move toward independence for Lebanon and a good thing for the region!
BEIRUT (Reuters) - About 2,000 Syrian troops have pulled out of eastern Lebanon over the past week, a senior Lebanese security source said Monday, bringing Syria a step closer to ending its 29-year military domination of Lebanon.
The source said small units in the eastern Bekaa Valley were going home, leaving behind a division of the Syrian army as well as scores of intelligence agents.
A Syrian-Lebanese military committee is due to meet next week to set a timeline for withdrawing the 8,000 remaining forces.
Kofi Annan Gone - Maybe?
MSNBC - Job insecurity: U.N. chief awaits Iraq report
Will this report be enough to rid us of Kofi Annan -- I am not holding my breath, but one can always hope.
Will this report be enough to rid us of Kofi Annan -- I am not holding my breath, but one can always hope.
NEW YORK - United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan could see his job on the line when a report comes out Tuesday detailing his son's financial gain under the Iraq oil-for-food program that was administered by the world body during Saddam Hussein's regime.
Still Limited US Coverage
Simply and update to Haven't Seen This in US NewsYet!. I just did a Google news search - it appears the only US media that has picked the story up is ABC Online. Simply amazing!
Breaking News - Large Quake Indonesia
FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Large Quake Reported Off Indonesia
This can't be good!
This can't be good!
Officials in Thailand were warning of a tsunami (search) risk Monday after a large earthquake was reported in the Andaman Sea (search).
The U.S. Geological Survey reported an 8.2 magnitude temblor in the sea 880 miles northwest of the Indonesian capital of Jakarta, off the coast of Indonesia's Sumatra (search) island.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Disgusting - Chili Digits
Yahoo! News - Search Continues in Wendy's Finger Case
This is a disgusting story -- makes you think -- uck!
This is a disgusting story -- makes you think -- uck!
A woman said she bit into a partial finger served in a bowl of chili at a Wendy's restaurant, leading authorities to a fingerprint database Thursday to determine who lost the digit.Seems that the employees still had all their digits so now they have to investigate backward to the packaging plants, etc. Gives new meaning to "got the finger"!
Haven't Seen This in US NewsYet!
World News Article Reuters.co.uk
I have just completed a search and found this artilce in only at one place -- why would LA and NY Times not pick it up? You maybe because it is good news? Go figure -- but this is great news nonetheless.
I have just completed a search and found this artilce in only at one place -- why would LA and NY Times not pick it up? You maybe because it is good news? Go figure -- but this is great news nonetheless.
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi soldiers backed by U.S. helicopters have killed several suspected insurgents and seized 131 more in a dawn raid, capturing tons of explosives earmarked for attacks on the holy city of Kerbala, officials say.
'It was a surprise operation based on intensive surveillance by military intelligence,' Defence Minister Hazim al-Shaalan told Reuters on Saturday. 'It was very successful.
I Like Him - Even if He is Democrat
Click on the image to see video - "I would have kept the tube in"

(Hat tip: Jackson's Juction)
I really do like this man though he maybe democrat he seems, in my opinion, to be a good person.

(Hat tip: Jackson's Juction)
I really do like this man though he maybe democrat he seems, in my opinion, to be a good person.
Google - Correct Now Please
Ynetnews - News - Google advertises Hamas
As a loyal Google user I expect and hope this is corrected ASAP.
As a loyal Google user I expect and hope this is corrected ASAP.
Terror organizations are advancing their recruitment and public relations methods: Internet surfers who enter the word "Hamas" in Arabic in the Google search engine, will view, in addition to the search results, an AdWord message that links directly to the website of the organization' military faction Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades.
Google has automatic filters that prohibit the posting of links to "problematic" websites, such as gambling and sex websites, but as of now they can only identify English words.
Company Spokeswoman Debbie Frost said "we took care of the matter as soon as Ynet turned to us," but Ynet has learned the advertisements have not been removed as of yet.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Optimistic Press - Right
USATODAY.com - Top Iraq official: Government likely to be formed within next fewdays,
This is good news right? Let us look at the how the reporter saw it
This is good news right? Let us look at the how the reporter saw it
- "tortured negotations"
- "Iraqi politicians, however, have been reporting they were near a deal for at least a month.
- "Insurgents, meanwhile, continued efforts"
BAGHDAD (AP) - The Shiite Muslim politician likely to be Iraq's next prime minister said Saturday the country's long-awaited government could be formed within days, an accomplishment that would mark the end of nearly two months of tortured negotiations after the nation's first free elections in a half-century.These three optimistic statements were introduced in the first four sentences -- have to love these feel good stories don't you.
Iraqi politicians, however, have been reporting they were near a deal for at least a month.
Insurgents, meanwhile, continued efforts to thwart political progress by blowing up a car Saturday near a U.S. military patrol in Baghdad, killing two American soldiers and wounding two others. A day earlier, the military said, a U.S. Marine died in action in Anbar province, the insurgent heartland stretching from west of Baghdad to the Jordanian and Syrian borders.
More Insurgent Friendly Reporting from Aljazeera
Here is an example of "insurgent friendly reporting" from Algazeera -- have to love their dedications... As usual they have coconspirators at CBS and The LA Times. Nevertheless, like I stated here at least the MSM can renew their delightful reporting on the Middle East -- you know last week there just wasn't any bad news "good journalistic material" to report. You can go the links to read the stories. Good thing this is out for the weekend news push!
Slow News Day?
KRT Wire 03/25/2005 Highlights of Bobby Fischer's life
I am sorry, but do we really care? Must have been a slow news day! However, I must admit I care about this more then I care about Jennifer and Brad - so I posted it.
I am sorry, but do we really care? Must have been a slow news day! However, I must admit I care about this more then I care about Jennifer and Brad - so I posted it.
Bobby Fischer, the 1972 world chess champion now exiled in Iceland, has led a storied life. Here are highlights:
MSM Can Start Talking About Iraq Again
The New York Times -- 23 Are Killed in a Series of Attacks Across Iraq
Well the MSM is happy -- they can report on Iraq again, there is bad news... Notice the "relative quite" remark -- didn't hear that trumpeted this week as good news did you? Nevertheless, I can assure you the bad news will be shouted from the media "mountaintops".
Well the MSM is happy -- they can report on Iraq again, there is bad news... Notice the "relative quite" remark -- didn't hear that trumpeted this week as good news did you? Nevertheless, I can assure you the bad news will be shouted from the media "mountaintops".
BAGHDAD, Iraq, March 25 - A string of suicide bombings and armed attacks across central and northern Iraq on Thursday and Friday left at least 23 people dead, officials said.
The attacks, ending a week of relative quiet, included three suicide car bombings, the assassination of a high-ranking police official, and the killing of five Iraqi women who did cleaning for the American military.
N. Korea being North Korea
Guardian Unlimited | North Korea: Drills Delay Nuclear Talks
This is just an asinine claim -- these exercises have been going on since before I was in the military, actually lasting nearly a month in the past... Just N. Korea being North Korea!
This is just an asinine claim -- these exercises have been going on since before I was in the military, actually lasting nearly a month in the past... Just N. Korea being North Korea!
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - North Korea blamed joint military drills conducted by the United States and South Korea for a delay in the resumption of nuclear disarmament talks, the North's Communist Party newspaper reported Saturday.
The weeklong military exercises, which ended Friday, were ``derailing the resumption of six-way talks,'' the newspaper Rodong Sinmun said in a commentary also carried by North Korea's official news agency, KCNA.
Friday, March 25, 2005
Stupid Quote of The Day
Boston.com - Canada denies asylum for US deserter:
''We don't believe that people should be imprisoned for doing what they believe is illegal" [said the attorney, Jeffrey House](Hat tip: Little Green Footballs)
What if This was Your Daughter? - Update!
More thoughts on this story: Where was the consideration of this women's -- no wait this girl's right to decide... You know the old "it is her body yada - yada - yada" -- well she didn't decide, nor did her family the MALE and his family did -- were is NOW (National Organization of Women), they should be outraged, no wait they got what they wanted a died baby!
Canada Just Says NO - Excellent!
CNN.com - Canada: No refuge for U.S. soldier
Well, I agree with this but it is bad news for the New York Times and the "un-volunteers"(story here). Do you notice the little "yet help improve" phrase? Canada better watch out the MSM could be getting ready to start the "it is only politically motivate" smear if one more "anti bleeding heart" decision comes down. As for me -- good for Canada!
Well, I agree with this but it is bad news for the New York Times and the "un-volunteers"(story here). Do you notice the little "yet help improve" phrase? Canada better watch out the MSM could be getting ready to start the "it is only politically motivate" smear if one more "anti bleeding heart" decision comes down. As for me -- good for Canada!
TORONTO (AP) -- The Canadian government has denied refugee status to former U.S. Army paratrooper Jeremy Hinzman, a major blow to a handful of U.S. military deserters who have fled to Canada rather than fight in a war they claim commits atrocities against civilians.
Thursday's decision, which was formally announced on a government Web site, could affect at least eight -- and possibly dozens more -- American soldiers seeking refuge in Canada, yet help improve strained relations between Washington and Ottawa.
Thursday, March 24, 2005
What if This was Your Daughter?
Mother arrested for attempting to intervene in her 14-year old's decision to have abortion
How far will abortionist go -- for or against abortion this is just wrong -- -- no matter how anyone attempts to spin it.
How far will abortionist go -- for or against abortion this is just wrong -- -- no matter how anyone attempts to spin it.
GRANITE CITY - A Southern Illinois woman was arrested last week (March 17) after trying to intervene on behalf of her 14-year old daughter's effort to have an abortion. The girl was allegedly taken to an abortion clinic by the mother of the man allegedly to have impregnated the 14-year old.(Hat trip: GOP Bloggers
According to the girl's mother, her 14-year old daughter was called off from school in Madison County by a woman posing as the girl's "grandmother." The woman took the girl from her home only minutes before the girl's mother returned home from work.
Texas Oil Refinery Explodes
USATODAY.com - Texas oil refinery explosion kills 14
This is bad news and just another tragedy in Texas City's history -- not many know of the tragedy, one of the worst in our country's history, that also happened in Texas City (information here) TEXAS CITY, Texas - All but one of the 1,800 or so oil refinery workers have been accounted for after overnight search efforts following the thunderous blast killed 14 and injured more than 100 others, officials said Thursday."
This is bad news and just another tragedy in Texas City's history -- not many know of the tragedy, one of the worst in our country's history, that also happened in Texas City (information here) TEXAS CITY, Texas - All but one of the 1,800 or so oil refinery workers have been accounted for after overnight search efforts following the thunderous blast killed 14 and injured more than 100 others, officials said Thursday."
Iraqi Friendly Fire
MSNBC - Iraqi friendly fire incident kills 5
This is bad news -- but I am guess the Iraqi police are happy a reporter was not around to videotape and swear they were out to get them -- or claim it was some vast conspiracy, instead of a horrible mistake.
This is bad news -- but I am guess the Iraqi police are happy a reporter was not around to videotape and swear they were out to get them -- or claim it was some vast conspiracy, instead of a horrible mistake.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraqi police mistook a group of Iraqi soldiers for insurgents Thursday and opened fire, sparking a 10-minute gunbattle that killed five in the northern town of Rabia. In the south, protesters demanded their representative be named the country's new oil minister.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
I Like It!
Yahoo! News - Navy SEALs Sue AP Over Detainee Photos
I like this -- I believe that the only valid claim maybe endangered the servicemen's lives.
I like this -- I believe that the only valid claim maybe endangered the servicemen's lives.
LOS ANGELES - A federal lawsuit filed by several Navy SEALs and the wife of a special forces member claims The Associated Press violated copyright and privacy laws and endangered the servicemen's lives by publishing photographs of them with Iraqi prisoners.
The lawsuit, filed Monday in federal court in San Diego, seeks unspecified damages. It also asks the court to bar the AP from further use of the photos and to require the news agency to protect the SEALs' identities.
School Shooting
There has been another High School shooting rampage (originally posted here) and as Michelle Malkin advises there are those that claiming racism because it is not getting the coverage of Columbine -- this is ridiculous! I have seen plenty of coverage on this story and frankly too much of the other national story (infamous live or die case). This brings me to my point.
I would hope the media has learned a lesson and realize that the 'student' -- individuals -- that perpetrate these crimes want the coverage and if the coverage is indeed lighter then maybe, God willing it will help... However, I don't give the media for this kind of insight or concern for the public -- no, if these is a "shortage of coverage" I give the war in Iraq, the political battle over the fate of Terri Schiavo, or the infamous Michael Jackson... I stated before there is plenty of coverage and if there is less there is more world events taking place then during Columbine... Not to worry I am sure AE and Discover will do special along with a Movie of the week.
I would hope the media has learned a lesson and realize that the 'student' -- individuals -- that perpetrate these crimes want the coverage and if the coverage is indeed lighter then maybe, God willing it will help... However, I don't give the media for this kind of insight or concern for the public -- no, if these is a "shortage of coverage" I give the war in Iraq, the political battle over the fate of Terri Schiavo, or the infamous Michael Jackson... I stated before there is plenty of coverage and if there is less there is more world events taking place then during Columbine... Not to worry I am sure AE and Discover will do special along with a Movie of the week.
Atlanta Gets Good News
News Channel 32, Northeast Georgia -- Children Found Safe After Manhunt
After the "courthouse shooting", it is good this story that initiated in Atlanta has a good ending.
After the "courthouse shooting", it is good this story that initiated in Atlanta has a good ending.
ATLANTA (AP) - Police say two children kidnapped from their home early this morning by their mother's ex-boyfriend have been found safe.
Clayton County Police Captain Tim Robinson says the children were found with a relative of the suspect in Greensboro, North Carolina. Robinson says he has no other immediate information.
Monday, March 21, 2005
Breaking News - School Shooting
CNN.com - Multiple injuries at school shooting - Mar 21, 2005
UPDATE: Official: Student kills 5 at school and grandparents
RED LAKE, Minnesota (AP) -- As many as 14 people were injured and some reported killed in a shooting Monday at a Minnesota high school, authorities said.More news FBI: Some Dead in Minnesota School Shooting
UPDATE: Official: Student kills 5 at school and grandparents
More Lies About the Military
Michelle Malkin has a good piece on "More Blacks dying in Iraq". I feel the myth introduced here is more evidence of the "Moore Influence" -- Moore introduced the myth of recruiters targeting minorities for recruitment, which was false as I demonstrated here. Some excerpts.
In fact, as this New York Times op-chart makes clear, the truth is just the opposite. White and Hispanic soliders are overrepresented among military personnel killed in Iraq, whereas African American soldiers are underrepresented. (Blacks account for 18.6 percent of military personnel in Iraq, but account for only 10.9 percent of military personnel killed.) [Read Michelle's piece here
UN Trying to Save Face?
Annan pitches reforms to rescue ailing U.N. -- The Washington Times
Save the United Nations from "irrelevancy" -- Annan your too late the UN is already irrelevant!
Save the United Nations from "irrelevancy" -- Annan your too late the UN is already irrelevant!
NEW YORK -- U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has proposed to scrap the Human Rights Commission, expand the Security Council's responsibility to intervene in crisis, and adopt a universal definition of terrorism as part of a broad effort save the United Nations from irrelevancy.For those that don't like the Washinton Times Annan unveils plan to fix U.N.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Insurgents -- Bad Decision
Top News -- U.S. Military Says Kills 24 Insurgents Near Baghdad
Well this was a bold and stupid move -- we can hope they try more attacks like this bringing along the end swifter.
Well this was a bold and stupid move -- we can hope they try more attacks like this bringing along the end swifter.
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. troops killed 24 insurgents and wounded seven in a battle on the outskirts of Baghdad on Sunday after the guerrillas attacked a U.S. position, the American military said.
Time Machine Designer Dies
BBC NEWS -- Shamed US car maker DeLorean dies
The designer of the time machine in Back to the Future dies -- reading this brought back memories of "wanting that car".
The designer of the time machine in Back to the Future dies -- reading this brought back memories of "wanting that car".
The former American car maker John DeLorean has died aged 80.
DeLorean, whose car company at Dunmurry near Belfast collapsed, died in New Jersey on Saturday of complications after a recent stroke.
Dean - "Brain Dead" Republicans
TheStar.com - Spreading the message
Well I cannot tell you how excited I continue be of Howard Dean's DNC position! I hope he continues to make asinine comments like this and insulting the very people he is charged with enticing to vote Democrat.
Well I cannot tell you how excited I continue be of Howard Dean's DNC position! I hope he continues to make asinine comments like this and insulting the very people he is charged with enticing to vote Democrat.
Keep it simple' is the key to the White House, failed Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean told members of his party from around the world last night.
One major reason his party lost the 2004 race to the 'brain-dead' Republicans is that it has a 'tendency to explain every issue in half an hour of detail,' Dean told the semi-annual meeting of Democrats Abroad, which brought about 150 members from Canada and 30 other countries to the Toronto for two days.
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Just a Review
I had save some various web pages over the last couple days to "blog later" -- never really got around to them but still think they are interesting....SO:
For all those who accuse the military is hiding any wrongdoing -- they are holding trials, convicting people, and producing criminal investigation reports. Not doing a good job if "hiding the information" is their intent.
For all those who accuse the military is hiding any wrongdoing -- they are holding trials, convicting people, and producing criminal investigation reports. Not doing a good job if "hiding the information" is their intent.
FORT CARSON, Colo. - An Army captain accused of terrorizing an Iraqi town under his supervision was convicted Wednesday of assaulting Iraqis, but acquitted of charges stemming from an alleged assault of one of his own soldiers.
WASHINGTON, March 11 - Two Afghan prisoners who died in American custody in Afghanistan in December 2002 were chained to the ceiling, kicked and beaten by American soldiers in sustained assaults that caused their deaths, according to Army criminal investigative reports that have not yet been made public.The Atlanta police admit there might have been some mistakes. You think -- they failed to find the car or the suspect at one of the first places they should have searched.
ATLANTA, March 18 (AP) - The city's embattled Police Department acknowledged Friday that it made mistakes just after the deadly courthouse rampage here a week ago, and the chief said the suspect had spent as much as 12 hours undetected outside a busy mall.Finally -- North Korea stays in the news!
The police chief, Richard J. Pennington, said he would oversee a full review of his department's response to the attacks. Among the issues to be studied, Chief Pennington said, will be communication problems among law enforcement agencies and their mistaken focus on searching for a carjacked vehicle that they believed the accused, Brian Nichols, was using to flee.
SEOUL (Reuters) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice meets with the strongest proponent for dialogue with communist North Korea when she consults with South Korean officials on Sunday to try to kick start stalled nuclear talks.
With U.S. impatience over the six-country talks rising, Rice in Tokyo on Saturday urged North Korea to return to dialogue immediately. She also said the United States had no intention of invading North Korea.
North Korea has rejected further talks with the United States until Rice retracts her labeling of Pyongyang as "an outpost of tyranny" as proof that Washington regarded it as a dialogue partner and not the enemy in an imminent war.
Another Tragedy
MSNBC - Police find Jessica Lunsford's body
This is a sad ending to another story involving a "registered sex offender". What is going to take before we realize that it is an anomaly for a child molester or any sex offender to rehabilitate [change their ways]?
This is a sad ending to another story involving a "registered sex offender". What is going to take before we realize that it is an anomaly for a child molester or any sex offender to rehabilitate [change their ways]?
HOMOSASSA, Fla. - The body of missing 9-year-old Jessica Lunsford was found early Saturday, a day after officials said a registered sex offender confessed to kidnapping and killing the girl.
Citrus County Sheriff Jeff Dawsy said Jessica's body was found during an overnight search in a densely wooded area, only about 150 yards away from the home the girl shared with her father and grandparents.
Our Pal For Thirteen Years
She has been our best friend for thirteen years, but has congestional heart failure and not knowing how much longer we might have her I thought I would give her the fifteen minutes of fame she deserves. Not to worry besides medicine, which she thinks is a treat, she does not have a clue she is sick. Truly a Lap Dog!
Friday, March 18, 2005
Let the Infighting Begin
Yahoo! News - Clinton Adviser Critiques Kerry Campaign
Well it might be early -- but let those who live in glass houses start throwing stones... Have to love it, maybe by the 2008 campaign season they will have caused each other too much damage.
Well it might be early -- but let those who live in glass houses start throwing stones... Have to love it, maybe by the 2008 campaign season they will have caused each other too much damage.
ALBANY, N.Y. - A top adviser to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (news - web sites) thinks fellow Democrat John Kerry (news - web sites) 'ran what was basically an inconsistent campaign' for president last year, according to a published report.
Clinton and Kerry are considered potential rivals for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination.
The Kerry campaign had 'a different message every two or three weeks,' Ann Lewis, director of communications for Clinton's political action committee, said in Friday's issue of the Forward, a Jewish weekly published in New York City.
What a Mom!
TheDenverChannel.com - News - Mom Sues Hospital Claiming She Nursed Wrong Baby
What a mom -- trying to collect the child's college fund early and without any personal sacrifice. Read the story -- I do not dispute a mistake was made; in fact one of the offending parties was so upset she became emotional -- but wait this error can pay for the child's college or maybe a new car, house -- lottery time! The mother states the accident, which was easily rectified because of proper procedures [the bracelet], "traumatized" her to the point of filing a lawsuit. If this was traumatizing maybe she should give the child up for adoption, because if this child puts her through half the things I put my mother through -- mom will have no less then a dozen nerves breakdowns... No, we don't need TORT reform -- RIGHT!!
What a mom -- trying to collect the child's college fund early and without any personal sacrifice. Read the story -- I do not dispute a mistake was made; in fact one of the offending parties was so upset she became emotional -- but wait this error can pay for the child's college or maybe a new car, house -- lottery time! The mother states the accident, which was easily rectified because of proper procedures [the bracelet], "traumatized" her to the point of filing a lawsuit. If this was traumatizing maybe she should give the child up for adoption, because if this child puts her through half the things I put my mother through -- mom will have no less then a dozen nerves breakdowns... No, we don't need TORT reform -- RIGHT!!
A Thornton woman is suing the hospital where she had her daughter, claiming nurses got mixed up and brought her the wrong baby to breastfeed.
Lisa Johnson said it happened last October at North Suburban Medical Center.
Johnson's daughter, Emily, was born with light blonde hair. The new mother said she tried for 10 minutes to breastfeed a baby the nurses thought was hers and was wondering why the baby wouldn't latch on when she finally made a closer inspection.
"And then when the back of the cap was raised up, I could see there was brown hair, and I panicked and took the whole cap off," said Johnson.
"I immediately freaked out and screamed, 'This is not my baby,'" Johnson said. "Then they checked the bracelets and the nurse started to cry and said, 'Oh my God, I can't believe we did this, I'm so sorry."
Johnson demanded to talk to the other baby's mother, Tasaya Reilly.
"I wanted to make sure what they were telling me was the truth," she said.
This little girl was given to the wrong woman, her mother says.
Reilly said the hospital staff told her right away that her baby went to the wrong room but only for 2 to 5 minutes.
Johnson and her husband are suing the hospital, claiming it was negligence. They are asking for unspecified damages. Johnson said she's been traumatized by the event, has been unable to work and has been diagnosed with post traumatic stress syndrome.
Un-Volunteering MY .....!
The New York Times -- Un-Volunteering: Troops Improvise to Find Way Out
Can you believe this dribble? The New York Times has created a new term for desertion-- Un-Volunteering. No, Ms. Davey it is desertion -- deserting your fellow soldiers and deserting your commitment -- your word, among other things. First, I don't agree with draft dodgers during Vietnam, but comparing this to Iraqi/Afghanistan desertion is asinine -- and that is exactly what Ms. Davey is attempting to do by slipping the Vietnam reference in [IMO]. Let us recall that Vietnam was a military consisting largely of and dependent on draftees -- today we have a volunteer force! This concept seems difficult for the media to understand -- let me explain it, you choose to join and now 3.5 years after 9/11 you know the likely consequences. To further elaborate on the process of choosing -- you take an oath, sign your name to an agreement [contract], and are thereby committed -- upon completing your training, you are further committed by the bonds developed with your fellow service-members. No this is DESERTION plain and simple and should be prosecuted to the full extent allowed under the UCMJ.
Can you believe this dribble? The New York Times has created a new term for desertion-- Un-Volunteering. No, Ms. Davey it is desertion -- deserting your fellow soldiers and deserting your commitment -- your word, among other things. First, I don't agree with draft dodgers during Vietnam, but comparing this to Iraqi/Afghanistan desertion is asinine -- and that is exactly what Ms. Davey is attempting to do by slipping the Vietnam reference in [IMO]. Let us recall that Vietnam was a military consisting largely of and dependent on draftees -- today we have a volunteer force! This concept seems difficult for the media to understand -- let me explain it, you choose to join and now 3.5 years after 9/11 you know the likely consequences. To further elaborate on the process of choosing -- you take an oath, sign your name to an agreement [contract], and are thereby committed -- upon completing your training, you are further committed by the bonds developed with your fellow service-members. No this is DESERTION plain and simple and should be prosecuted to the full extent allowed under the UCMJ.
The night before his Army unit was to meet to fly to Iraq, Pvt. Brandon Hughey, 19, simply left. He drove all night from Texas to Indiana, and on from there, with help from a Vietnam veteran he had met on the Internet, to disappear in Canada.Un-volunteer my...! (Hat tip: Michelle Malkin)
In Georgia, Sgt. Kevin Benderman, 40, whose family ties to military service stretch back to the American Revolution, filed for conscientious-objector status and learned that he will face a court-martial in May for failing to report to his unit when it left for a second stint in Iraq.
Iraqi Goverment Moving Along
Top News Article - Iraqi Kurd Leader Sees Government Deal in 7-8 Days
I know the gloom and doomers will say "not so fast", but I believe this is progress -- notice the words secular Iraq. They are working hard and deserve the benefit of the doubt -- those that wish or hope for bad news forget how long it took our small little country to reach agreement on the constitution.
I know the gloom and doomers will say "not so fast", but I believe this is progress -- notice the words secular Iraq. They are working hard and deserve the benefit of the doubt -- those that wish or hope for bad news forget how long it took our small little country to reach agreement on the constitution.
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A deal between Iraq's Shi'ites and Kurds on the shape of the government should be reached by the time the new parliament next meets on March 25 or 26, a Kurdish leader said on Friday.
Jalal Talabani, who is expected to be Iraq's next president, was quoted as telling CNN in an interview that the names of the proposed president, prime minister and parliament speaker would be agreed ahead of the next parliament meeting.
He said Iraq's new constitution, which should be written by August, would be based on the interim agreement that contains provisions for a federal and secular Iraq -- main points which Iraq's northern Kurds wanted safeguarded.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Annan wants Syria to Pull Out
USATODAY.com - Annan wants Syria to pull out of Lebanon
Welcome to the ballgame! Will the UN now define terrorist as terrorist?
Welcome to the ballgame! Will the UN now define terrorist as terrorist?
UNITED NATIONS - U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan demanded Thursday that Syria withdraw all its troops from Lebanon before Lebanese parliamentary elections in April and May, marking the first time he has set a specific timetable for Damascus.
Militants Halt Attacks on Israel
MSNBC - Militants agree to halt attacks on Israel
I believe this is great news and a big step towards peace -- now what can Mahmoud Abbas and Ariel Sharon accomplish in the next nine months?
I believe this is great news and a big step towards peace -- now what can Mahmoud Abbas and Ariel Sharon accomplish in the next nine months?
SIXTH OF OCTOBER CITY, Egypt - Palestinian militants declared a halt to attacks on Israel for the rest of this year, their longest cease-fire promise ever and a victory for Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. But they warned Thursday the truce would collapse if Israel does not hold its own fire and release Palestinian prisoners.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon described the announcement as a “positive first step,” though he insisted that for greater progress to take place “terrorist organizations cannot continue to exist as armed groups.” A top aide to Sharon, Ranaan Gissin, said Israel would continue to refrain from military action so long as Palestinians do not attack Israelis.
Good News -- I Think all Can Agree?
MSNBC - U.S. expects to trim Iraq force this year
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Army expects to begin cutting troop levels in Iraq later this year, a move that would reduce the level of American forces there to below 138,000, an Army general said on Thursday.
Bush Steps Back on SS - Did He?
Chicago Tribune -- Bush steps back on Social Security
You are the judge -- did President Bush "step back" or is he pushing the democrats to come up with a plan instead of blocking any plan or simply disagreeing with all republican ideas.
You are the judge -- did President Bush "step back" or is he pushing the democrats to come up with a plan instead of blocking any plan or simply disagreeing with all republican ideas.
WASHINGTON -- President Bush urged members of Congress Wednesday to consult their constituents and help him seek a 'permanent fix' for Social Security, but said that he will not be the first to advance a long-range plan because he thinks 'the first bill on the hill always is dead on arrival.
More on Drilling ANWR
KnoxNews: Frist, Alexander cite potential supply
I am not currently living in Tennessee, but am a Vol by the grace of God, and found this article informative... I agree with the thought process of both senators.
I am not currently living in Tennessee, but am a Vol by the grace of God, and found this article informative... I agree with the thought process of both senators.
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said: 'The high cost of gasoline illustrates that our nation is too dependent on foreign oil. I believe that we can access this vital energy supply in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.'Here is the rebuttal from the same article:
Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., said gasoline prices are going up 25 cents a gallon and nearly 60 percent of U.S. oil supply comes from overseas.
'It makes no sense to ignore a new source of American oil that should produce as much oil as Texas already produces each year,' he said.
Kate Prevost of U.S. PIRG's Southeastern office in Atlanta said the group concluded from a U.S. Geological Survey study in 1998 that there may be only a one-year supply of economically recoverable oil in the targeted 2,000 acres of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.Notice that may is the key word in the rebuttal! Now we should not drill the 2,000 acres, which is less then .0015 of the overall 1.5 million acres in question -- based on the fact it may not produce; what if it does? Now here is something for the environmentalist, what if it does not? Wouldn't this reinforce any arguments they may have for future drilling sites? Now me personally if I was battling for the environmentalist and I knew that this would not produce I would say go ahead what is a .0015 sacrifice for the overall good; giving us a bigger stick to fight with...but are they that confident in their science?
"It's not going to be enough to make a dent in our dependence on foreign oil," she said.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Well -- Maybe Not?
I blogged something today about the "left being ecstatic", here, and how we are being bombarded with news reports that could be perceived as "bad Bush news", here. Hold the presses -- let us see if this gets as much attention, seems Italy's Prime Minister might be backing off the "confirmed" status a bit.
ROME (Reuters) - Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on Wednesday appeared to back track from his proposal of withdrawing troops from Iraq starting from September, saying the date was only his hope and could be changed.
Berlusconi, one of U.S. President George W. Bush's most vocal supporters, shocked friend and foe on Tuesday when he said Italy would start pulling out its troops in September, adding he was in talks with Britain's Tony Blair about a total exit.
"There's never been a fixed date," Berlusconi said.
"It was only my hope ... If it is not possible, it is not possible. The solution should be agreed with the allies."
Blake Innocent?
FOXNews.com - Blake Found Not Guilty of Murder:
Well I have not followed this case, but what I did hear sounded pretty damning... Well considering the previous news today and this maybe guilt or innocence in California depends on your celebrity even if it is from years gone by -- who knows.
Well I have not followed this case, but what I did hear sounded pretty damning... Well considering the previous news today and this maybe guilt or innocence in California depends on your celebrity even if it is from years gone by -- who knows.
LOS ANGELES - The jury in the Robert Blake (search) murder trial has found the 'Baretta' actor not guilty of the 2001 murder of his wife, Bonny Lee Bakley (search).
Jurors also acquitted Blake of one charge that Blake solicited murder, but deadlocked on a second solicitation charge. The jury voted 11-1 in favor of acquittal and the judge dismissed the count.
Bush Concedes -- What?
USATODAY.com - Bush concedes accounts won't fix Social Security
You have to love the "spin" in the headlines -- this is news? I have known this and the administration has acknowledged this for months, which is why many democrats along with the AARP have said his [President Bush's] plan would cut benefits, even before we knew what the plan looked like. From the beginning the plan was said to call for "private or personal accounts" and a change in the way benefits are figured to address the solvency issue -- President Bush conceded nothing, maybe the reporter just did not understand the plan from the get go, which I fear is an issue with many other Americans. Nevertheless, you have to admire the continual effort to make President Bush look bad, but unlike the media thinks most Americans are intelligent and realize the intent.
You have to love the "spin" in the headlines -- this is news? I have known this and the administration has acknowledged this for months, which is why many democrats along with the AARP have said his [President Bush's] plan would cut benefits, even before we knew what the plan looked like. From the beginning the plan was said to call for "private or personal accounts" and a change in the way benefits are figured to address the solvency issue -- President Bush conceded nothing, maybe the reporter just did not understand the plan from the get go, which I fear is an issue with many other Americans. Nevertheless, you have to admire the continual effort to make President Bush look bad, but unlike the media thinks most Americans are intelligent and realize the intent.
WASHINGTON -- President Bush conceded Wednesday that private accounts do not address the projected problems with Social Security, but he defended his approach and said he wanted more input from Congress on overhauling the troubled system.
Senate Opens Arctic to Drilling
MSNBC - Senate votes to open arctic refuge to oil drilling
Breaking news -- a blow to environmentalist, a vote for Human needs over animal rights. Now before anyone jumps on the "you want the world to end" bandwagon; no I do not! I do believe we should be good stewards of our earthly resources but do not believe this means we, as humans, must sacrifice for nature... Not to mention the little known fact that the caribou that are suppose to die were supposed to have died after the "Alaskan pipeline" construction -- what happened -- the herd multiplied… Go figure! This is not the final decision but it is a step! Another bright side -- the oil prices may go down just with the threat of opening this area up to drilling.
Breaking news -- a blow to environmentalist, a vote for Human needs over animal rights. Now before anyone jumps on the "you want the world to end" bandwagon; no I do not! I do believe we should be good stewards of our earthly resources but do not believe this means we, as humans, must sacrifice for nature... Not to mention the little known fact that the caribou that are suppose to die were supposed to have died after the "Alaskan pipeline" construction -- what happened -- the herd multiplied… Go figure! This is not the final decision but it is a step! Another bright side -- the oil prices may go down just with the threat of opening this area up to drilling.
WASHINGTON - Amid the backdrop of soaring oil and gasoline prices, a sharply divided Senate on Wednesday voted to open the ecologically rich Alaska wildlife refuge to oil drilling, delivering a major energy policy win for President Bush.
The Senate, by a 51-49 vote, rejected an attempt by Democrats and GOP moderates to remove a refuge drilling provision from next year’s budget.
The action, assuming Congress agrees on a budget, clears the way for approving drilling in the refuge later this year, drilling supporters said.
Death Penalty
Top News Article Reuters.com
Guilty and the death penalty in California -- wonders never cease.
Guilty and the death penalty in California -- wonders never cease.
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. (Reuters) - A California judge said on Wednesday that he agreed with the jury's death penalty sentence against Scott Peterson, who was convicted of murdering his wife and unborn son in a case that attracted nationwide attention.
The judge was to formally sentence Peterson later on Wednesday.
Taiz "Tea Party"
BBC NEWS -- Riots in Yemen over sales tax
Just a quick read caused me to flashback to when I first heard about the "Boston Tea Party" during one of my first history lessons.
Just a quick read caused me to flashback to when I first heard about the "Boston Tea Party" during one of my first history lessons.
Police in Yemen have clashed with demonstrators on a second day of protest over a proposed sales tax rise.
In Taiz, about 250 kilometres south of the capital, Sanaa, as many as nine people are reported to have been injured and another 10 detained.
Italy Confirms
BBC NEWS -- Italy confirms Iraq troop plans
Well it is officially confirmed -- as if we did not know the first 100 articles were. Maybe it is just me but I find is suspicious when you keep articles saying the same thing circulating, causing me to think it is an attempt to keep "bad Bush" news in the news, but that is me. At least there is a theory mentioned that the move might be related to the "upcoming" election -- you think?
Well it is officially confirmed -- as if we did not know the first 100 articles were. Maybe it is just me but I find is suspicious when you keep articles saying the same thing circulating, causing me to think it is an attempt to keep "bad Bush" news in the news, but that is me. At least there is a theory mentioned that the move might be related to the "upcoming" election -- you think?
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has confirmed that he intends to begin withdrawing Italian troops from Iraq as soon as possible.[...]
The Italian media has speculated that the announcement was aimed at a domestic rather than international audience, ahead of Italy's general election.
Italy to Pulls Troops
BBC NEWS -- Italy 'to pull troops from Iraq':
Well this news should make the "left" ecstatic -- let see how gloomy they spin these 3,000 leaving -- BTW I am sure the fact it want be happening for another six months will slip their mind.
Well this news should make the "left" ecstatic -- let see how gloomy they spin these 3,000 leaving -- BTW I am sure the fact it want be happening for another six months will slip their mind.
Italy is to begin withdrawing its troops from Iraq in September 2005, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has said.
He told Rai state television the pullout would take place 'in agreement with our allies'.
Italy has 3,000 troops in Iraq - the fourth largest foreign contingent.
Marines Snub UAW
Marines snub UAW olive branch - 03/15/05
Well it appears that the UAW really upset the Marines when they barred them and their "Bush bumper stickers" -- that story is here. The Marines are not accepting their apologies it appears.
Well it appears that the UAW really upset the Marines when they barred them and their "Bush bumper stickers" -- that story is here. The Marines are not accepting their apologies it appears.
DETROIT -- The United Auto Workers union waved a white flag Monday in its parking skirmish with neighboring reservists, but the 1st Battalion, 24th Marines are not accepting surrender.
Iraqis Future Looks Brighter
USATODAY.com - Most Iraqis say future looks brighter
This is good news -- wonder how the gloom and doomsayers will spin this?
This is good news -- wonder how the gloom and doomsayers will spin this?
WASHINGTON -- More Iraqis believe their country is headed in the right direction and fewer think it's going wrong than at any time since the U.S. invasion two years ago, according to a new poll.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Light Blogging
I have been out all day today and have not been keeping up with the news of the day -- sorry for not blogging anything today, but will resume to my regularly scheduled blather soon.
Monday, March 14, 2005
The Battle Rages On!
ABC News: Court Rules California Cannot Ban Gay Marriages
Well the battle over gay marriage rages on with many more skirmishes on the horizon.
I have never weighed in on my stance -- well I am against it! However, knowing we live in a free country, wanting to ensure my freedoms, and believing that one of God's many gifts was a freedom to choose I personally do not believe I or anyone else should dictate with whom you share yourself. Further, being a Christian and believing that homosexuality is an abomination before God and that marriage is a promise under God and designed by God I cannot support calling homosexual unions a marriage. Hence, I voted and will continue voting for marriage to be defined as a union between a man and women...
With this said -- I have been accused of hate -- which is a fabrication and gets back to my question -- "Doesn't this smell of thought police?". I believe it does, because if the "trend" continues someone will be determining what my thoughts are that guide my motive to be for or against gay marriage and as I have already stated many get it wrong... Basing this decision on rationality is not a rational thing to do in my opinion.
Well the battle over gay marriage rages on with many more skirmishes on the horizon.
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - In a victory for gay rights groups, a California Superior Court judge ruled on Monday that the state's voter-approved ban on homosexual marriage is unconstitutional.The judge mentioned there was no "rational", reason to prohibit -- well in that case is there a "rational" reason to condone it? What is rational?
Both advocates and opponents of gay marriage said the decision was just one step in what will likely be a long legal battle that may continue for years"
- Having or exercising the ability to reason.
- Of sound mind; sane.
- Consistent with or based on reason; logical: rational behavior
I have never weighed in on my stance -- well I am against it! However, knowing we live in a free country, wanting to ensure my freedoms, and believing that one of God's many gifts was a freedom to choose I personally do not believe I or anyone else should dictate with whom you share yourself. Further, being a Christian and believing that homosexuality is an abomination before God and that marriage is a promise under God and designed by God I cannot support calling homosexual unions a marriage. Hence, I voted and will continue voting for marriage to be defined as a union between a man and women...
With this said -- I have been accused of hate -- which is a fabrication and gets back to my question -- "Doesn't this smell of thought police?". I believe it does, because if the "trend" continues someone will be determining what my thoughts are that guide my motive to be for or against gay marriage and as I have already stated many get it wrong... Basing this decision on rationality is not a rational thing to do in my opinion.
I Believe God Brought Him
Hostage: 'I believe God brought him to my door':
I have heard people on every cable news network imply that Ashley Smith must have developed feelings for this man -- feelings other than human compassion... This is absurd and I simply mark this up to a demonstration of why there is such a national debate over "religion and faith" -- unfortunately we as a country have simply forgotten or many were never taught the power of faith and of God and my hope is this incident will go far in educating our country.
I have heard people on every cable news network imply that Ashley Smith must have developed feelings for this man -- feelings other than human compassion... This is absurd and I simply mark this up to a demonstration of why there is such a national debate over "religion and faith" -- unfortunately we as a country have simply forgotten or many were never taught the power of faith and of God and my hope is this incident will go far in educating our country.
ATLANTA - For hours, Ashley Smith gently talked to the armed suspect in Atlanta's courthouse slayings, turning from hostage to confidant as they discussed God, family, pancakes and the massive manhunt going on outside her apartment.
'I believe God brought him to my door,' Smith said Sunday, only hours after her 911 call ended a manhunt for Brian Nichols, who is accused of shooting four people since Friday.
Over the course of the night, Nichols untied Smith, and some of the fear lessened as they talked. Nichols told Smith he felt like 'he was already dead,' but Smith urged him to consider the fact that he was still alive a 'miracle.'
U.S. Election Coverage Harder on Bush
ABC News: Study Shows U.S. Election Coverage Harder on Bush
What a shocker -- glad the truth is being reported!
What a shocker -- glad the truth is being reported!
The annual report by a press watchdog that is affiliated with Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism said that 36 percent of stories about Bush were negative compared to 12 percent about Kerry, a Massachusetts senator.Wait just a minute -- While Reuters' above article is accurate; the media proves that once again they are half-right by providing this inaccurate story.
NEW YORK Mar 13, 2005 - A study of news coverage of the war in Iraq fails to support a conclusion that events were portrayed either negatively or positively most of the time.Maybe, as I mentioned here, the United States population is not exposed to the positive stories.
The Project for Excellence in Journalism looked at nearly 2,200 stories on television, newspapers and Web sites and found that most of them couldn't be categorized either way.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
New Bankruptcy Bill is Horrible
I was not happy when this bill passed -- however, thought that many more articulate people across the internet expressed their disdain so I choose not to post anything... Today Jackson's Junction has a video of Dave Ramsey's view of this bill -- I personally like Mr. Ramsey and agree with most of what he says so I thought I would share his opinion of the New Bankruptcy Bill -- video here.
Yes I am poltically conservative and am saying that the Republicans let us down on this one.
(Hat tip: Jackson's Junction)
Yes I am poltically conservative and am saying that the Republicans let us down on this one.
(Hat tip: Jackson's Junction)
Sgrena: "I DEMAND..." -- Right
Agenzia Giornalistica Italia - News In English
Now this is getting ridiculous -- it appears that Sgrena is attempting to milk her "fifteen minutes of fame" and worse attempting to use the tragic death of here rescuer to promote here communist agenda. BTW who does she demanding anything from our President, who I might add she has continually ridiculed -- one that will communicate with her government, as is appropriate; although, it appears she has equal distain for her government -- hey she is a communist what can I say...
Now this is getting ridiculous -- it appears that Sgrena is attempting to milk her "fifteen minutes of fame" and worse attempting to use the tragic death of here rescuer to promote here communist agenda. BTW who does she demanding anything from our President, who I might add she has continually ridiculed -- one that will communicate with her government, as is appropriate; although, it appears she has equal distain for her government -- hey she is a communist what can I say...
Rome, March 11 - 'I want the government to investigate on what happened', said Giuliana Sgrena, in an interview with Spanish TV broadcast by Sky TG24, her first ever since she was freed. 'The government is looking at various accounts of the facts', she said, 'but my account coincides with the one provided by the car driver, who also survived. We demand concrete answers on what really happened. Obviously an inquiry commission will be set up. I do have faith in them. What happened was just terrible. Our questions need to be addressed. And not only by the Italian government, but by Mr Bush himself."
Iran says Europeans too Slow
USATODAY.com - Iran says Europeans moving too slowly on nuclear talks
More evidence of Iran learning from North Korea's negotiating technique, which is say "yes, say "no", and then criticize -- my question will Europe be criticized for Iran's tactics as President Bush is for North Korea’s; like either Europe or President Bush can change the mentality of those they are attempting to negotiate with.
More evidence of Iran learning from North Korea's negotiating technique, which is say "yes, say "no", and then criticize -- my question will Europe be criticized for Iran's tactics as President Bush is for North Korea’s; like either Europe or President Bush can change the mentality of those they are attempting to negotiate with.
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran described progress on nuclear talks with Europe as unsatisfactory and too slow, with Tehran's chief negotiator warning Sunday that it soon may walk away from the discussion.
Iran has made such threats before, accusing Europe of wasting time and not making proposals that conform to the Iranian bottom line -that it will develop peaceful nuclear technology. Europe seeks to ensure it does not use the technology to build bombs.
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Iraq Won't Be Islamic State
ABC News: Officials Say Iraq Won't Be Islamic State
Well this is good news -- let's see if it becomes a reality; however, their making the effort indicates knowledge that this is needed to establish a successful government.
Well this is good news -- let's see if it becomes a reality; however, their making the effort indicates knowledge that this is needed to establish a successful government.
BAGHDAD, Iraq Mar 12, 2005 -- Ukraine withdrew 150 servicemen from Iraq on Saturday, beginning a gradual pullout, as Shiite and Kurdish politicians refined plans to form a coalition government that officials said includes an agreement not to turn the country into an Islamic state.
Mixed Messages
Appears Iran is being taught about conducting nuclear talks by North Korea -- in one day we get two stories. Which to believe?
The Good
The Good
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- One day after the United States agreed not to block Iran's application to join the World Trade Organization, Iran's leader has said his country is ready to temporarily suspend its uranium enrichment program.Then the Bad
President Mohammad Khatami insisted, however, that Iran has a right to nuclear technology.
"We have accepted postponing the activities of uranium enrichment in a voluntary way and only temporarily, even though we have no obligation. We are doing this for moral reasons," he said through an interpreter while visiting Caracas, Venezuela.
TEHRAN, Iran - Neither threats nor incentives will alter Iran's pursuit of its nuclear program, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said yesterday, defying new moves by the European Union and the United States to ensure Tehran never develops a nuclear bomb.I am sure President Bush will be blamed -- like the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart the "left" loves to believe President Bush has this kind of power -- guess it eases the fact their guy lost the election.
Asefi rejected Washington's move. "Lifting some restrictions against Iran will not stop Iran from pursuing its rights," Asefi was quoted as saying.
Sgrena - Backs off Claim
Americans were not trying to kill me, hostage decides
Well what do you know -- the hostage herself is coming around; now if the "left-wing nuts" will only admit the obvious.
Well what do you know -- the hostage herself is coming around; now if the "left-wing nuts" will only admit the obvious.
The Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena, who was wounded by American fire last Friday soon after being released by kidnappers in Baghdad, has said that she does not think that the Americans were trying to kill her. 'I never said that they wanted to kill me"
More Interesting Information
US deliberately kept in dark about fatal Italian hostage-freeing: general
This is very interesting.
This is very interesting.
ROME - US authorities in Iraq were kept in the dark about an Italian operation to free a kidnapped journalist which ended in debacle with an intelligence officer killed by GIs, an Italian general was quoted Saturday as saying.
Mario Marioli, a deputy commander of the US-led coalition troops in Iraq, was quoted by the Italian newspaper La Repubblica as saying: "I asked Calipari if I should inform our American allies of the hostage-freeing operation, but his reply was that under no circumstances was the ally to be informed."
Got Him
FOXNews.com - ATF: Brian Nichols Is in Custody
ATLANTA - After a two-day massive manhunt in Atlanta, Ga., suspected courthouse triple slayer Brian Nichols (search) is in police custody, The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms told FOX News on Saturday.
Japan WWII Sex Slave Issue
BBC NEWS -- Japan WWII sex slave redress call
Japan has only partially acknowledged their atrocious "war crimes" during WW II -- unfortunately, aiding them in this endeavor was international attention focusing on the Jewish holocaust, and our concentration on their "democratic rebuilding"... What is mention in this article is only a drop in the bucket -- entire villages killed, women and children raped, artwork and riches from conquered nations stolen, on and on and on. However, I do not see them [Japan] changing their policy on these issues -- the world has never really held their feet to the fire, yes, there were some token trials that got little or no attention because the Nuremberg trials were also in progress, but no full admission of their action was ever offered.
Japan has only partially acknowledged their atrocious "war crimes" during WW II -- unfortunately, aiding them in this endeavor was international attention focusing on the Jewish holocaust, and our concentration on their "democratic rebuilding"... What is mention in this article is only a drop in the bucket -- entire villages killed, women and children raped, artwork and riches from conquered nations stolen, on and on and on. However, I do not see them [Japan] changing their policy on these issues -- the world has never really held their feet to the fire, yes, there were some token trials that got little or no attention because the Nuremberg trials were also in progress, but no full admission of their action was ever offered.
Taiwanese women forced to become sex slaves by the Japanese during World War II are campaigning for Japan to take legal responsibility for the crime.
They are hoping to collect a million signatures for a petition they, and other victims across Asia, intend to present to the UN in April.
They sought an official apology from the Japanese.
The high court in Tokyo rejected their demand on the basis that the claims were filed many years after the abuse occurred.
Now the women are working with other victims - in Korea, the Philippines, China, Indonesia and the Netherlands - to bring the issue to the attention of the UN.
Saddam's $2m Offer
Telegraph --Saddam's $2m offer to WMD inspector
Well we are reintroduced to the whole "Iraq had WMD question" -- if Saddam is/was lily white and did not have WMD(s) why the Bribe?
Well we are reintroduced to the whole "Iraq had WMD question" -- if Saddam is/was lily white and did not have WMD(s) why the Bribe?
"Saddam Hussein's regime offered a $2 million (£1.4 million) bribe to the United Nations' chief weapons inspector to doctor his reports on the search for weapons of mass destruction.(Hit Tip: Betsy's Page)
Rolf Ekeus, the Swede who led the UN's efforts to track down the weapons from 1991 to 1997, said that the offer came from Tariq Aziz, Saddam's foreign minister and deputy."
Friday, March 11, 2005
Sgrena operation 'kept from US'
BBC NEWS -- Sgrena operation 'kept from US'
Well the BBC is coming around to maybe the Americans didn't know -- wonder if the US MSM will?
Well the BBC is coming around to maybe the Americans didn't know -- wonder if the US MSM will?
"Gen Marioli's testimony is crucial because he is the man who was keeping the US forces informed of the car's arrival before the fatal shooting, in which a US patrol killed the secret service agent and injured Ms Sgrena and a second officer.
Gen Marioli's version, as reported by the papers, also contradicts a reconstruction by the Italian government and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who said the US military had been advised that Ms Sgrena was on board the car. "
U.S. Forces Maybe Knew a Little
FOXNews.com - U.S. Forces Partially Knew of Italian Hostage Mission
More news out of Italy -- guess what it is conflicting; however, it does have an Italian admitting the US was not fully informed.
More news out of Italy -- guess what it is conflicting; however, it does have an Italian admitting the US was not fully informed.
ROME — U.S. forces in Iraq were only partially informed about last week's Italian intelligence mission to release a hostage, which ended with a shooting on the road to Baghdad airport and the death of secret service agent Nicola Calipari, Italian newspapers said Friday.
While U.S. authorities were informed of the presence of Calipari and a colleague, they did not know that the mission was aimed at freeing journalist Giuliana Sgrena, Italian dailies La Repubblica and Corriere della Sera reported. Sgrena hade been kidnapped in Baghdad on Feb. 4.
Both newspapers cited a report by Maj. Gen. Mario Marioli, an Italian who is the coalition forces' second-in-command. The report has been given to Rome prosecutors investigating the killing.
According to the newspapers, Marioli informed U.S. officials that Calipari and the other Italian officer were there, but not that the mission was aimed at releasing Sgrena. The lack of full information was possibly due to known U.S. opposition to Italy's policy of negotiating with kidnappers, Italian media have suggested.
However, the papers had conflicting versions over how much Marioli knew: Corriere said he knew that Calipari was working to have the hostage released, La Repubblica said he didn't.
Abstinence and Monogamy Work!
News from Agape Press
Well go figure -- notice that his study was dismissed, why -- maybe because it disagreed with the "mainstream liberal line".
Well go figure -- notice that his study was dismissed, why -- maybe because it disagreed with the "mainstream liberal line".
A senior research scientist from Harvard says abstinence and faithfulness are more effective than condoms to stop the spread of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
Dr. Edward Green of the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies is the author of Rethinking AIDS Prevention (Praeger, 2003). He says he wrote the book after the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) dismissed his study of effective AIDS prevention program, and instead hired another researcher, one who favored condoms, to conduct another investigation."
Nearly two years ago, Green testified before the U.S. Senate's African Subcommittee about the effectiveness of Uganda's ABC approach. He observed that, in little more than a decade, it had helped bring about a steep decline in the African nation's HIV/AIDS infection rates: they had dropped from 21 percent to 6 percent since 1991.
In his 2003 Senate testimony, Green noted, "Many of us in the AIDS and public health communities didn't believe abstinence and faithfulness were realistic goals. It now seems we were wrong."
Allegation -- Detectives Killed for Mob
The New York Times -- Detectives Killed for Mob, Indictments Say
Bad news for the New York Police Department if these allegations prove true.
Bad news for the New York Police Department if these allegations prove true.
Two retired New York City police detectives, onetime partners who had long been suspected of ties to organized crime, were charged by federal prosecutors yesterday with taking part in eight murders on behalf of the Mafia - most while one or both were still active members of the police force.
The charges, detailed in an indictment unsealed in Federal District Court in Brooklyn, were among the most startling allegations of police corruption in memory. In one case, in 1990, prosecutors said the detectives, driving an unmarked police car, pulled over a Mafia captain on the Belt Parkway in Brooklyn and shot him to death for a rival mob figure. In another, in 1986, they flashed their badges and kidnapped a mobster, threw him in the trunk of their car and delivered him to a rival, who tortured and killed him. "
Bad Day in Court - Breaking News
This is a really bad story.
ATLANTA, Ga. — A man facing rape charges grabbed a deputy's gun and shot four people at the Fulton County Courthouse in downtown Atlanta, killing a well-respected judge, a court reporter and a sheriff's deputy and leading authorities on a citywide manhunt.
The suspect, identified as 34-year-old Brian Nichols and described as a balding black male, carjacked a series of vehicles following the 9 a.m. EST shooting. Nichols, 34, is described as a balding black male, 6'1" and weighing 200 pounds, of medium complexion. He was being held on rape charges stemming from an incident in August last year.
Thursday, March 10, 2005
New York Times Loves Evangelicals - What!
Well on this point -- you want hear anything else about them until they say something else that agrees with the Times' agenda... Nevertheless, for the time being, maybe a day, the New York Times believes Evangelicals are good people with an accurate outlook.
A core group of influential evangelical leaders has put its considerable political power behind a cause that has barely registered on the evangelical agenda, fighting global warming.The love affair will last until the next debate over homosexual marriage or abortion...
These church leaders, scientists, writers and heads of international aid agencies argue that global warming is an urgent threat, a cause of poverty and a Christian issue because the Bible mandates stewardship of God's creation. [Story here]
God and Science
USATODAY.com - Townes leads life where science and faith coexist
Here is an interesting story -- with all the claims that "religious" peoples refuse to listen to science or even consider science from the far left elitist and academics -- this story is refreshing.
Here is an interesting story -- with all the claims that "religious" peoples refuse to listen to science or even consider science from the far left elitist and academics -- this story is refreshing.
NEW YORK — When Nobel Prize-winning physicist Charles Hard Townes was a professor at Columbia University during the 1950s, a colleague, Willis Lamb, asked him if God ever helps him in the lab. Dr. Townes gave the question some thought. "Well," he recalls telling Lamb. "I think so."Further, I would submit there are many Christian scientist that prove the validity of the Bible constantly -- not to mention many scientist that have set out to prove "there is no god" only to become convinced that God does in fact exists.
But even in these often discordant worlds, Townes has found little difficulty in reconciling his Christian faith with the empiricism of scientific inquiry.
"I don't think that science is complete at all," says the 89-year-old physicist. "We don't understand everything and one can see, within science itself, there are many inconsistencies. We just have to accept that we don't understand."
Within the great unknowns of the universe, Townes argues there is ample room for faith in God and His presence in human experience.
Jacko Misses Deadline
FOXNews.com - Jacko Misses Deadline
Bad move Jacko!
Bad move Jacko!
Superior Court Judge Rodney S. Melville said he would issue a warrant for Jackson's arrest and Jackson would lose the $3 million bail that has kept the accused child molester free after he failed to appear in court on Thursday, apparently because of severe back problems.
Delayed Blogging
There seems to be a problem with Blogger so there will be light blogging today -- only when I can access the edit site.
Lebanon Setback
CNN.com - Lebanon's ex-PM nominated to resume post
I believe this is a setback for Lebanon -- and makes the resignation of Minister Omar Karami last week simply being for show. What else are they [Syria] simply doing for show?
I believe this is a setback for Lebanon -- and makes the resignation of Minister Omar Karami last week simply being for show. What else are they [Syria] simply doing for show?
BEIRUT, Lebanon -- Lebanon's pro-Syria parliamentary majority has nominated former Prime Minister Omar Karami -- who resigned nine days ago in the face of anti-Syria demonstrations -- to resume his post.
The decision was announced Wednesday after consultations between with President Emile Lahoud and lawmakers.
Lahoud is expected to make the official appointment Thursday, political sources said.
Karami's resigned on February 28 following huge mass demonstrations in Beirut against his government. Those protests prompted a huge rally Tuesday in support of Syria presence in Lebanon.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
32,000 Individual SS Numbers at Risk
WFMY -- 32,000 Social Security Numbers At Risk
This certainly is not good news -- we, as citizens, seem to be more at risk from those responsible for the security of our personal identity then by ourselves... I would like to see any Social Security reform includes much harsher penalties for those that mishandle our Social Security numbers since it is rapidly becoming the single most important thing we possess yet is requested -- demanded by clerks everywhere from the doctor's office to the car lot and the occasional utility company. Somehow, the privacy act of 1974 does not seem adequate anymore -- heck, I never even see it printed on 99% of the forms that request my social, DOB, and address information.
UPDATE: Reuters
The U.S. Secret Service and the FBI said they were investigating the incident.
The information accessed included names, addresses, Social Security and driver's license numbers, but not credit histories, medical records or financial information.
Remember this Story
Back in January there was a story about a young man and his father filing suit against the school because of mandatory "summer homework", I commented on it in Academic Future. Well the results are in:
MILWAUKEE (AP) - A judge threw out a high school student's lawsuit against mandatory summer homework, saying he and his father should have done a little more studying themselves before bringing the case.I repeat my previous advice "don't take the class since it is and "honor" and voluntary".
Students in the Whitnall High School math course - honors pre-calculus - were supposed to do three assignments by certain dates over the summer. Peer Larson, 17, and his father, Bruce, had filed suit in Circuit Court, arguing that homework should not be required after the 180-day academic year is over.
Fight for Freedom - Sound Familiar (Update)
My Way News - Security Forces Find 41 Corpses in Iraq
The above link is an updated to the story I linked on in Fight for Freedom - Sound Familiar.
Malkin on "The Italian Scandal"
Michelle Malkin has a different take on the "Italian hostage" story -- and I find it interesting and want to know where the outrage is also.
The scandal is not that an anti-war propagandist has accused the U.S. of targeting journalists. That's par for the course. (Yes, hello again, Eason Jordan.)
The scandal is not that mainstream media sympathizers are blaming our military and dredging up every last shooting accident along the treacherous routes to Baghdad Airport. Again, no surprise here.
The scandal is that Italy -- our reputed ally in the global War on Terror -- negotiated with Sgrena's Islamist kidnappers and may have forked over a massive ransom to cutthroats for Sgrena's release.
Where is the uproar over this Islamist insurgency subsidy plan?
Iraqi politician Younadem Kana told Belgian state TV that he had "non-official" information that Italy paid the terrorists $1 million in tribute. The Washington Times, citing the Italian newspaper La Stampa, pinned the ransom figure at $6 million. Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported that the Italian government forked over between $10 million and $13.4 million to free Sgrena [Read here]
The True Solider
Fight for Freedom - Sound Familiar
Stories like these are getting sickening -- US citizens mostly from the left, you know the ones that care some much, want to concentrate on one unfortunate death -- the Italian intelligence officer simply because they might be able to "get Bush" or "make the military look bad"... This is sad -- this conservative is interested in our men and women returning, but I also know we have started a job and have promised freedom. The below story and many more alike is what Iraqis have to look forward to if we leave in the immediate future. Don't you dare tell me that this is only happening because Americans are there.
This is Muslims killing Muslims -- why because they want freedom... These animals [insurgents] are no longer fighting a war against the American military and haven't been for sometime, no they are fighting against freedom and for a religious totalitarian state. The innocents being killed are for freedom and Americans here at home have a problem with our fighting with them for freedom. Where would America be had the world opinion been let them do it for themselves during our fight for freedom -- many hate to admit or simply refuse to remember the French assisted us and if you think that assistance was solely or even mainly out of concern for our freedom you are delusional -- it was to weaken their enemy, England... Now our concerns are both Iraqi freedom and to weaken our enemy yet our citizens do not even think of the struggles and price we have paid for freedom -- Iraqi freedom is as of this moment coming quicker and at a lower cost of human life, if not in numbers certainly in percentages... People these animals would be killing freedom loving people weather we were there or not so get behind our military, support them, don't try to demoralize the military, so you can win a war of ideology again scaring our country... Let us assist in allowing people like these of the story to live and live in freedom while receiving the added benefit of weakening our enemy -- an enemy that will be more then happy to bring the fight here (our soil) if not occupied in Iraq.
This is Muslims killing Muslims -- why because they want freedom... These animals [insurgents] are no longer fighting a war against the American military and haven't been for sometime, no they are fighting against freedom and for a religious totalitarian state. The innocents being killed are for freedom and Americans here at home have a problem with our fighting with them for freedom. Where would America be had the world opinion been let them do it for themselves during our fight for freedom -- many hate to admit or simply refuse to remember the French assisted us and if you think that assistance was solely or even mainly out of concern for our freedom you are delusional -- it was to weaken their enemy, England... Now our concerns are both Iraqi freedom and to weaken our enemy yet our citizens do not even think of the struggles and price we have paid for freedom -- Iraqi freedom is as of this moment coming quicker and at a lower cost of human life, if not in numbers certainly in percentages... People these animals would be killing freedom loving people weather we were there or not so get behind our military, support them, don't try to demoralize the military, so you can win a war of ideology again scaring our country... Let us assist in allowing people like these of the story to live and live in freedom while receiving the added benefit of weakening our enemy -- an enemy that will be more then happy to bring the fight here (our soil) if not occupied in Iraq.
QAIM, Iraq — Police said Wednesday they found 35 bodies in two different places in Iraq (search), some shot to death, the others beheaded.
Twenty of the corpses were found late Tuesday near Rumana, a village about 20 kilometers (12 miles) east of the western city of Qaim (search), near the Syrian border, police Capt. Muzahim al-Karbouli said.
A separate discovery was made Tuesday south of Baghdad in Latifiya, where 15 headless bodies were found by Iraqi troops.
The decapitated corpses were found inside an abandoned base of the former Iraqi army, Defense Ministry Capt. Sabah Yassin said. The bodies included 10 men, three women and two children.
Something to Watch - Update
Updating my Something to Watch post yesterday.
Residents in north-eastern Australia have battened down and are preparing for the onslaught of Cyclone Ingrid, which, despite weakening, remains potentially the worst storm to threaten the region in 30 years.
While the cyclone has been downgraded from a category five to a severe category four storm, Queensland residents are preparing for the worst.
The Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre in Brisbane said Ingrid is moving towards the coast, near Cape Melville, at eight kilometres an hour, and is expected to make landfall overnight near the small community of Coen.
"Although Ingrid has continued to weaken a little, the cyclone still poses a serious threat to far north Queensland with a very destructive core and the potential to generate a dangerous storm tide," the Bureau of Meteorology said.
The storm is packing winds of up to 250 kilometres an hour near its centre. [Read stroy here]
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Another Car - More Pictures
Sunday I posted some pictures here that were pulled from a video and disproved the "300 - 400 rounds fired" claim... Was it the car or not -- now the Italian la Repubblica has pictures it says is the "real" car, still disproving the "300-400 rounds fired" claim. Here they are!

Something to Watch
SYDNEY (AFP) — A severe tropical cyclone with winds of almost 180 miles an hour was gaining intensity Tuesday (U.S. time) as it moved steadily towards the northeastern coast of Australia.
Good Move
I believe it a good move to include the Italian officials in the in investigation to clarify the events that lead to the "hostage shooting" incident… Do I expect the investigation to find the soldiers on the ground did anything wrong, no -- do I expect that we find that "no communication" is the primary reason, yes, please notice I did not say "miscommunication" but "no communication… I do ask all the "conspiracy birds" to consider a primary fact -- the car approached at approximately 75 feet per second (25 yards), that is football field in four seconds - not much time to make a life and death decision.
The US military in Iraq has begun an investigation into the shooting incident last week that killed Italian intelligence agent Nicola Calipari.
US Brig Gen Peter Vangjel has been appointed to lead the inquiry, expected to take up to four weeks to complete.
The US-led coalition command added in a statement that Italian officials had been invited to take part. [Read story here]
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