Friday, March 18, 2005

Iraqi Goverment Moving Along

Top News Article - Iraqi Kurd Leader Sees Government Deal in 7-8 Days
I know the gloom and doomers will say "not so fast", but I believe this is progress -- notice the words secular Iraq. They are working hard and deserve the benefit of the doubt -- those that wish or hope for bad news forget how long it took our small little country to reach agreement on the constitution.
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A deal between Iraq's Shi'ites and Kurds on the shape of the government should be reached by the time the new parliament next meets on March 25 or 26, a Kurdish leader said on Friday.
Jalal Talabani, who is expected to be Iraq's next president, was quoted as telling CNN in an interview that the names of the proposed president, prime minister and parliament speaker would be agreed ahead of the next parliament meeting.
He said Iraq's new constitution, which should be written by August, would be based on the interim agreement that contains provisions for a federal and secular Iraq -- main points which Iraq's northern Kurds wanted safeguarded.

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