Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Republican Message – Continued

I wrote yesterday the democrats have missed interpreted the Republican National Convention and the mainstream media seems to be giving them a pass. I was disappointed that Bill O’Reilly gave Terry McAuliffe a pass when McAuliffe said:

like a masquerade ball up here. They're going to put people up here who do not agree with the platform that they passed yesterday. But they want people to think that George Bush is some kind of moderate. He's not. He's a right wing conservative. The platform is very right wing that they got through these delegates.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, another moderate republican, spoke Tuesday night and Mr. McAuliffe and the democrats want to tell America that Bush and the RNC are trying to change their image; WRONG! Unfortunately, for the democrats Arnold’s speech supported the President, the RNC platform, and yes once again demonstrated the Republican Party is the party of inclusion unlike the exclusive Democratic Party.

Mr. McAuliffe went on to say during the O’Reilly Factor:

But, you know, if I were them I would try to do the same thing. That's why we're here to make sure that the truth gets out.

Actually Mr. McAuliffe is talking about his and the democrats version of the truth! Mr. McAuliffe how many times are you going to lead with your chin and get a RIGHT cross before you stop spinning the truth?

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