Friday, January 21, 2005

Iraq - By the Numbers

Chrenkoff has the media negativism towards Iraq by the numbers.
But it's one thing to have a gut feeling about media negativity and another to know exactly how negative the coverage is. So today I decided to do a little tally.

Friday, 21 January (Australian time) is an average day as far as Iraq is concerned. Google news indexes the following negative stories concerning Iraq:

2,642 stories about Condi Rice's confirmation hearings, in the context of grilling she has received over the Administration's Iraq policy

1,992 stories about suicide bombings and other terrorist attacks

887 stories about prisoner abuse by British soldiers

2,345 stories about President Bush's inauguration, in the context of the President failing to mention the word "Iraq" in his speech, or indeed discuss the war

(Read more)
This is nothing new and I have written about Good News Please in the past like here, but to see the negativism put into this kind of perspective is eye opening.

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