Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Swiftee Gets Help - Why Was it Needed?

Thanks to Michelle Malkin for bringing this up. Steve Gardner, the "10th brother" who refused to stand with John Kerry and spoke out against Mr. Kerry, has fallen on hard times, but is getting help.... Some excerpts from an article:
Days later, Brinkley called again, warning Gardner to expect some calls. It seems Brinkley had used the "fact checking" conversation to write an inflammatory article about Gardner for Time.com. The article, implying that Gardner was politically motivated, appeared under the headline "The 10th Brother."

Twenty-four hours later, Gardner got an e-mail from his company, Millennium Information Services, informing him that his services would no longer be necessary. He was laid off in an e-mail -- by the same man who only days before had congratulated him for his exemplary work in a territory which covered North and South Carolina. The e-mail stated that his position was being eliminated. Since then, he's seen the company advertising for his old position. Gardner doesn't have the money to sue to get the job back.

"I'm broke. I've been hurt every way I can be hurt. I have no money in the bank but am doing little bits here and there to pay the bills," he said.
And, even though Gardner is broke and jobless for speaking out, the husband and father of three says he'd do it all over again. He says it wasn't for politics. It was for America. (Read here)
I find it interesting that it appears those supposedly there for the "down trodden" are the exact ones that caused this down fall! The Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberty has agreed to help Mr. Gardner.

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