Thursday, December 09, 2004


In this article we find that the Vatican is attempting to get "Christianophobia" recognized as an evil that is equal to hatred of Jews and Muslims. Archbishop Giovanni LaJola said, "It should be recognized that the war against terrorism, even though necessary, had as one of its side effects the spread of 'Christianophobia' in vast areas of the globe".

I would have to say, with all due respect, hatred of Christians has been around much longer then the "war against terrorism". Christians around the globe have been persecuted for their belief long before 9/11 and having been documented I hope people don't assume this is a new phenomena. Another thought, would you choose phobia? Phobia "an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation" - does it point to the true evil and hatred?

Do we need a word to know that people hate Christians? Is there a need to label the persecutors of Christianity anything else but persecutors or evil? Is this just a simple attempt to label a "group" and the "never ending" search to understand evil of a now labeled group? Evil is just that evil and it is real; naming it something other than evil doesn't change that it is evil, anti-Christian, against God

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