Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Christians Not Taking it Anymore

This story details Christians fighting back.. Some are concerned about this movement per say, or these type cases, I am not. I believe we as Christians have taken the term "meek" to heart for far too long and need to get angry about symbols of our faith and our freedom to demonstrate our faith being judicially removed. Does everyone know the history of the "fish" becoming a Christian symbol? The fish was born as a Christian symbol through secrecy; an alternative symbol that allowed believers to recognize each other without fear of persecution. I don't believe in a country founded on freedom of religion Christians should have to create a "new symbol" to avoid "Politically Correct persecutors" - and by the looks of things we aren't going to do it; instead we are going to take our "religious freedoms" and "symbols of our faith" back; it's about time! Bring it on ACLU!

*NOTE: "The latest FOX News poll finds that fully 87 percent of Americans say nativity scenes should be allowed on public property and only nine percent disagree." (Story here)

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