Thursday, December 09, 2004

"Merry Christmas" - Is it A Crime?

Can you believe in a country that was based on religious freedom and founded on Christian beliefs we have gotten to the point Christmas cannot be mentioned because it contains the word "Christ" - People the historical reference for Christmas is the birth of "Christ", the "Christ", the Son of "G"od! Are we really attempting to create a secular holiday yet have it the same day "Christ" was born, yet fail to acknowledge that point in fear of offending some! This is absurd and I am sure our founding fathers are "turning over in their graves"... Here is the article by Jennifer Harper that has gotten my dander up. Some snippets:
Denver, for example, refused to allow a Christian church float in the city's holiday parade, because "direct religious themes" were not allowed. Homosexual American Indians, Chinese lion dancers and German folk dancers, however, were welcome.

The mayor of Somerville, Mass., issued a formal apology this week to anyone offended by a press release "mistakenly" issued from his office that called the town "holiday party" a "Christmas party."

School districts in Florida and New Jersey have banned Christmas carols altogether, and an "all-inclusive" holiday song program at a Chicago-area elementary school included Jewish and Jamaican songs, but no Christmas carols.

Down in Kentucky, local officials rejected the offer of Grace Baptist Church to stage a live Nativity scene in a public square.
God help us!

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