Monday, December 06, 2004

Pat Tillman - Friendly Fire!

MSNBC, I assume in an effort to attack the Military or President Bush released a story containing new facts about Pat...wait, are they new facts? Here is a story (dated 5/20/2004) that brings the same new (?) facts to the surface. This is simply another example of MSM regurgitating old negative news stories in it's never ending attack on President Bush and the Military. No they aren't biased, right! As I stated in Good News Please "It could be said the media is acting treasonous and attempting to destroy the country from within – come on how about a “Little Good News” today".

REMINDER: Regurgitating stories is not new; see here and here and here.

Fact:I want it abundantly clear that how Mr. Pat Tillman died does not detract from the honor due him!

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