Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Calling Eason Jordan Out

Michelle Malkin calls Eason Jordon, CNN executive, out -- rightfully so! I quote:
For the past week, Internet weblogs ("blogs") around the world have been buzzing about outrageous comments regarding American soldiers reportedly made by Jordan, the head of CNN's news division, at a World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, Switzerland. (My reporting on the controversy, with extensive links to other bloggers, is at According to several eyewitnesses, Jordan asserted on Jan. 27 that American military personnel had deliberately targeted and killed journalists in Iraq. (Jordan has since disputed the characterization of his remarks.)

Why wasn't this headline news?
Great question; however, I am sure she knows the answer -- elite media circling the wagons to protect their own. Thought they would have learned from Rathergate -- see Easongate here. Why to go, and I hope this finally gets the coverage it deserves and Mr. Jordan gets what he deserves!

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