Monday, February 14, 2005

Intereting Look at Democrats

The American Spectator has an interesting review of the Democratic Party:
No mention of Sen. John Kerry, who shared the dais with Clinton, and who has been busily working to elevate himself to leader of the opposition nationally. Kerry is said by advisers to have been surprised that Clinton did not highlight him as a party leader to be respected and supported.

But perhaps most telling about Clinton's comments, which were warmly received, was the lack of anything new compared to his remarks at prior DNC functions pre- or post-November election. "He has said this before in just about every Democratic Party setting he's attended," says a Democratic National Committee member. "I've heard this speech ten times in the past couple of years. There is nothing new, and it's unfortunate that he keeps giving it, because it's clear that our leaders aren't listening."
There are still so many doubts about Dean that that's the only thing Reid can say to allay concerns," says a Democratic Senate leadership source. "Dean is not the guy everyone wants. He has the backing of the state parties, but he's going to have to line up with the rest of the party leadership here in D.C."

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