Thursday, February 10, 2005

Good Deeds Punished - Rewarded?

I guess you all have heard the story about the two girls that made cookies for their neighbors - allegedly instead of going to a party where alcohol, drugs, and general parting would be taking place, I say allegedly because I do not know the "whole story" but if true I find it refreshing... Well they made the cookies and while secretly delivering them scared one of the neighbors who sued and won....[Read here]

These girls are now receiving donations to pay their fines... [Read here] I find this neat because if indeed the girls were doing the "right" thing and only wanted to perform an act of kindness, how disturbing is it for them to "get into trouble" - would kind of drive home the "don't do anything nice because it opens you up to a law suite" mentality, and that is sad.

The story goes on to say that the complainant is getting harassing phone calls - don't support the phone calls, but what did she expect? Although, every neighborhood I guess has a "mean old lady" - the neighborhood I grew up had one and she never figured out that your "hatred of children" actually kept us coming back to "annoy her" (i.e.: knocking and running, yelling in the street in front of your house late I night, generally anything to annoy her); guess they will never learn. Funny thing my parents keep telling us we misjudged the "mean old lady" until one day we were forced to perform "an act of kindness" and her "hatred of children" was exposed to the "adults in the neighborhood" who eagerly watched from afar; of course, believing they were right but learned instead the children of the neighborhood were correct... To each their own I guess?

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