Thursday, September 02, 2004

Chris It Was a Poem

Chris Matthews attempted to attack Zell Miller last night for the phrase "it is the soldier not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press"; Matthews said it was such an obvious thing to say, weren't you just looking for an easy "anti-media" applause line? Hey Chris it is a poem - learn it!

It Is The Soldier not the reporter, who has given US Freedom of the press
It Is The Soldier not the poet, who has given US Freedom of speech
It Is The Soldier not the campus organizer, who has given US the Freedom to demonstrate
It Is The Soldier not the lawyer, who has given US the right to a fair trial
It is the soldier, who saluted the Flag, who serves beneath the Flag and whose coffin is draped by the Flag, who allows the protester to burn the Flag

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