Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Swift Boats and Double Standards

Benjamin L. Ginsberg, former Bush-Cheney attorney, wrote an op-ed (WashingtonPost)demonstrating the bias of the media in reporting on 527(s). Some excerpts:

• Kerry campaign lawyer Bob Bauer and Democratic National Committee counsel Joe Sandler also represent 527s -- not illegal, but doesn't it deserve a little scrutiny?
• Jim Jordan, John Kerry's campaign manager until last November, works for three of the 527s.
• Harold Ickes, an executive committee member of the Democratic National Committee, heads the Media Fund.
• Bill Richardson simultaneously chaired the Democrats' national convention and a 527.
• Michael Meehan became Kerry's spokesman after running NARAL Pro-Choice America's "soft money" programs.
• Zack Exley went from being a executive to the Kerry campaign.

Further example of the mainstream media's bias when reporting the facts to the American people. Their choice to "leave out" certain details when reporting is amazing and worse they do not believe the American people are smart enough to know the truth; are we?

In discussing "facts" with other Americans I believe the mainstream media may have a point. So many simply parrot what they hear and accuse me of parroting Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others... Unlike democrats, who depend on the NY Times to make their choice for them, republicans do not depend on the aforementioned people to make our choice and we (republicans) don't blindly follow a doctrine based on hate.

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