Thursday, September 30, 2004

Update! - About The Draft

INDC interviewed the CBS Evening News about their controversial story and posted it on their blog. I would highly recommend all to read it. INDC does a great job and reiterates some things that many bloggers have posted; they bring up the statement that the e-mails are fake.

The fact that CBS ran with this story should first and foremost discredit it but definitely adds validity to the bias nature of MSM. CBS proves it believes it is superior to all by running with a rumor, at best, under the premise people wanted to hear about it. If you or I had our integrity questioned, we would not run with a "debunked" "questionable" easily "disproved" rumor; but CBS is a member of the egotistic elitist media that feels they answer to no one and are better than you or I.

I wrote about my concerns earlier this week and still believe we need to look at a way to hold these elitist reports accountable. Because, the media simply has to say “unnamed source”, “anonymous senior official”, and we are “without malice”; when we all know were President Bush is concerned the are FULL of malice or something!!

UPDATE: The New York Post weighs in on the subject!

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