Thursday, September 02, 2004

Moore Displays the Problems With US Education

Michael Moore has been writting a column for the USA Today and one of his titles, "Don't Send More Kids to Die", demonstrates the problem with our education system. Moore writes:

If I made a miscalculation and ran over a child on the street, what do you think would happen to me? Do you think the cops would simply say, "Hey, Mr. Moore, you did your best driving down this street, you made a miscalculation, the kid is dead, but you are trying to save the world, so be on your way?" Something tells me this is not what would happen. What I don't get is that Mr. Bush makes his mistake and thinks he has a right to continue in his job.
Moore compares his driving a car to a president defending this Great Nation, and I am sure the liberals are yelling in support. Should this not make teachers cringe? Not only does a writer attempt to compare two incomparable actions an overwhelming number of Americans will buy into it. Our teachers should be ashamed; however, after talking to many professors I believe the opposite it true, and you wonder why we want alternatives in our education system. I doubted my family’s choice to home schooling my nephews and niece; however, besides seemingly being superior to their public schooled counter parts in academics they destroy them in common sense. My teenage nephew knows these two tasks should not even be in the same paragraph, that Mr. Moore's statement is ludicrous, yet he knows that it will be a Democratic talking point and the protesters will chant it tonight.

Mr. Moore goes on to compare the Presidency to a dog catcher:
Maybe Bush has no worse explanation than he just hasn't been able to do it. Well, if your town's dogcatcher couldn't catch a wild dog that has been on the loose biting people for three years, what would be the dogcatcher's chances for re-election? Not good.

It simply amazes me that many Americans actually accept these types of comparisons as logical. My prayer is that my generation can defend this country and keep Her strong until my nephew, and others like him whose parents saw the decaying education system choosing another path, become of age to take this country to even greater heights.

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