Monday, September 06, 2004

Navy Investigates Kerry Record

Both NewsMax and FoxNews have reported the Navy is launching a formal probe into Kerry's record. The probe is in response to a complaint filed by Judicial Watch. What is more interesting, calling my self informed, I had not heard that former Navy Secretary John Lehman has challenged the authenticity of his signature on Kerry's war decorations; but why would the New York Times, ABC, NBC, CBS, or CNN want to let that out.

There might be a possibility that someone copied the Bronze Star citation "with a Combat V" and thought that "a Combat V" was good on a Silver Star - to bad the Demcorats hate the military so much someone might have helped them if this allegation turns out correct.

In 1996 Kerry commented on those who lie about their medals, when referring to Admiral Jeremy Boorda, who committed suicide after disgraced:
"If you wind up being less than what you're pretending to be, there is a major confrontation with value, self-esteem and your sense of how others view you" Kerry told the Boston Globe.

Kerry also told the Boston Herald on this incident "sufficient to question his leadership position". Now, of course the Kerry campaign does not see a need to investigate a 35 year incident.

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