Sunday, September 26, 2004

MSM Will Never Be Non-Bias

I have been a reader of the Power Line Blog for some time but have never “Track Back” to it because I cannot hold a candle to its author. However, I have to agree with their overall message in the latest post.

The author references Richard Cohen’s concern that “more and more Americans are getting their news through partisan filters…” and Mr. Cohen list several examples. The author rightfully points out that Cohen fails to cite any support that we are not getting our information from both partisan and MSM and never gives me (us) credit for being able to come to our own opinion. This goes to what I have said in the past “the MSM feels the must tell us what to believe and what is meant by each item they report because you (me) are not as smart as they are and need help”. I have been personally offended by this attitude from the MSM for years and especially since many years ago when that exact sentiment came from the month of the then president of NBC news.

The author of this the Power Line post did not go far enough, I believe, and point out that Cohen, Rather, and others in the MSM are also partisan to “their cause”, which happens to be different than many if not most Americans. They are liberal the will be liberal and they will always be liberal. They are partisan to any liberal cause and will take any opportunity to jump on a conservative; when they report against a liberal it is only after mountains to evidence is against them and they most to keep the “fair and balanced” facade up.

Rather, 1994 I believe (the year of the Contract with America), made a comment on the air that “WE lost another one”; he was referring to an incumbent democrat being beaten by a republican. I believe only the “partisan conservative talk radio shows” called Mr. Rather on this but that statement and the newest CBS acts proves their partisanship loud and clear to any thinking American.

Do I realize Rush, Hannity, Coulter, etc. are conservative and have a conservative spin; YES, just as I understand you Mr. Cohen, Rather, Wallace, etc. have a liberal spin. I and a majority of Americans do have the intelligence to decipher the facts and draw our own opinion you do not have to lead us to the “watering hole and attempt to force us to drink”!!

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