Sunday, February 06, 2005

Vietnam vs. Iraq

Congressman Steve Pearce explains how ridiculous it is to compare Iraq to Vietnam. Some highlights:
Unlike the decade-long Vietnam War, the present fighting is the chaotic aftermath of a three-week victory that toppled Saddam's ruling government. Iraq is not a divided country, but rather contains pockets of diehards surrounded by unsympathetic Kurds and Shiites, who, for the most part, support the U.S. effort to subdue the remnants of Saddam Hussein's regime. The enemy relies on a finite supply of stockpiled weaponry and cash, not daily infusions through a port like Haiphong or a steady stream of trucks rolling in supplies on the Ho Chi Minh trail.
America's longest war taught us another fact: Wars should be fought by military commanders in the battlefield and not from the White House and Congressional lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

This war is different because President Bush has shown leadership in allowing the military commanders to handle the fighting and achieving the battlefield objectives in Iraq in order for America to remain secure. A majority of Democratic Senators, including John Kerry and John Edwards, voted for the resolution authorizing the President to use force against Iraq.
Read the article here.

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