Saturday, October 09, 2004

Australia Still Supports War

One of our biggest allies in the War on Terror, Australia has reelected John Howard Prime Minister. PM John Howard supports the War on Terror and the President of the United States; here are some PM John Howard’s quotes:
The reality is that the transition period has been and will continue to be difficult, more difficult than we might have hoped.

Inevitably the question is asked -- when can our forces leave Iraq?The answer can only be when the jobs assigned to respective force elements have been completed. It's impossible to be more precise than that.

And I'm more determined than ever that Australia should stay the distance and finish the tasks for which we have taken responsibility.
Of course, PM Howard’s opposition attempted to use the War on Terror and Iraq particularly against him (read more). The good news for US republicans is that it did not work; not only was the election not as close as predicted Howard actually increased his majority and could win the Australian senate.

Now it is time of us “Yanks” to get his back!

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