Saturday, October 30, 2004

What Scares Me!

What really scares me is that Americans, Americans that are supposed to be intelligent believe that killing Bin Laden solves everything. Now had Bin Laden died (or been killed) many years ago, there maybe something to this. Nevertheless, for comparison sake; do you really believe had Hitler been killed AFTER WWII started it would have changed very much – you believe that Goring, Keitel, Jodi, Ness, etc. would have just given up?

Why I am so much more outspoken this election cycle is because liberals would prefer to demonize America then to admit real evil is out there. You hear:
  1. American brought this on ourselves.
  2. We must understand why the Islamic extremist hate us
  3. We should have just ignored them and they would have left us alone (tried by Clinton to no avail)
The classic is that we should not worry about the world and take care of ourselves first. Now they are screaming because we are not prepared to help the Sudan – interestingly this goes right in to the heart of their earlier complaints “we should not worry about the world”. Of course, being a conservative I am supposed to be too stupid to see this. Let’s wave a magic wand and stop Iraq and go into Sudan; who are we fighting now, Islamic extremist! Why did Clinton send US to fight in Somalia and Bosnia? We had the wondrous opportunity to see Islamic extremism and Communistic extremism within miles of each other during the Clinton years. We fought and left, nonvictoriously, and terrorist attacks continued!

The death of Bin Laden will not be the end for terrorist and in fact making him ineffective either by eliminating his ability to move and plan or preferably placing him in jail is the best outcome possible. There are other Bin Laden(s) out their simply waiting for their chance. We must defeat terrorism in their homeland – if allowed to invoke havoc and terror on American soil the terrorist have won their objective.

If the majority of Americans do not see that the terrorist dream of our withdraw back into our pre 9/11 shell giving them the opportunity to bring the terror over the ocean unchecked I fear for our future!

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