Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Democratic Party Flip-Flops

(via INDC Journal)
INDC Journal has a great viewpoint on the NY Times story true and accurate or not (NOT). Democrats have been saying Saddam was not a threat with over 1 million tons of munitions and now the Democrats say 380 tons has the potential of being the next 9/11. Which is it a threat or not? Of course the Democrats support Kerry the whole party "flip-flops”.
Individuals that were against the war to disarm Saddam Hussein are suddenly terrified over the fate of 380 of the over 1 million tons (0.03%) of conventional explosives that are currently estimated to exist in Iraq. The pointed US effort that has thus far destroyed 400,000 tons of munitions, yet failed to immediately account for 380, somehow respresents an unacceptable US failure and subsequent terrorist risk to the IAEA, NY Times and other overt critics of the Bush Administration. (Read here)

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