Thursday, October 28, 2004

European Viewpoint

Thanks to Drink This for bringing this Gerard Baker article to my attention. Mr. Baker is a columnist for Times Online (UK) and has an interesting opinion that might shock many that believe all of Europe is against President Bush. Some excerpts:
But for all this, if I had a vote on Tuesday I would be voting to re-elect President Bush.

It is partly Mr Bush’s character. The perils of war really do demand leadership and moral clarity. It is partly, to be honest, the quality of his opponent….
But above all, in this oppositional sort of age, when it is often easier to be defined by what one is against rather than what one is for, I have to say it is his enemies who most justify Mr Bush’s re-election. (Read here)
I have attempted to make this point on several occasions, but Mr. Baker does a much better job and is really worth reading.

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