Thursday, October 21, 2004

Brothers in Arms

(via Urban Republican)

The unit that refused to go on their mission citing inadequate equipment has caused an officer to be relieved of command. He was due to a lack of confidence by the troops and he should be. I am hoping there are repercussions for the soldiers as well so that we don't spread that this behavior is okay. The problem isn't that they were right or wrong but that they not only disobeyed orders but left their fellow soldiers doing this on their own. The mission was carried out by other members of the unit and no harm came to them. The one soldier whose wife was interviewed said it just isn't safe.

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I will add something. A war zone is dangerous, period! You are there, voluntarily, to accomplish a mission – the complete mission! As a soldier, you are an integral part of the complete force. Sit-in(s) and strikes are not and should not be tolerated within the military! If not for the current election atmosphere these troops would never considered “disobeying an order”, in my opinion!

From personal experience, in combat, there are never idea circumstances that will ensure you and your fellow soldier’s safety; you depend on your training and your fellow soldiers. These soldiers have now proven their undependable and must be held to the standards set for all in uniform, The Uniform Code of Military Justice! At a minimum there must be a court martial and allow the members to decided!

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